The SFN emergency service

Whilst fooling about with Ian in Catharine's discussion on new year resolutions, it struck me that Ian need first aid of some kind, he having only had one apro and all that.

I came to the conclusion we need some kind of emergency and rescue service. Thus far all I can think of is a hybridised Land Rover, converted using palettes. It would serve as the ambulance, nurse Catharine arriving to administer large does of red or amber fluids to the afflicted. Used as a fire tender (fire engine in old money, but when I did a community emergency and rescue course our trainer would turn all kinds of colours if anybody said that), Catharine, James and any (un)willing and (un)able volunteers would rush to the aid of overheated members with copious supplies of buckets of water. Without mentioning any names, it might make sense for some members to keep towels handy for the arrival of the rescue service!

If anybody has any better plan or design, please leave it in the designated space below.

TORR only, as a precaution...

Will it run on Linux?

With fold-down eyelash-curling desks?

Oooh, camp re-education! A cartload of Julain Clarys perhaps?

Good enough for the liquids in the old Land Rover with palettes (don't forget the yellow ones, as well as the reds and ambers). Can see that going nation-wide with a central coordinating centre in Dordogneshire, with regional units on call, and special "disaster area" in-and-out squads. There could also be ex-Soviet lorries with heavy building gangs in them, for the one-off lifting and heaving jobs. The gangs could be made up of failed expats with no declarable income, or stock exchange traders undergoing compulsory camp re-education. Bet them red braces would come in useful keeping the fatigue trousers up :)