The Sopranos?

There is definitely an element of playing with the viewers’ emotions in relation to the characters. All the grey areas is what makes it good I think. However I totally understand it isn’t for everyone. It sounds like you have given it more than a fair chance.

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We bought the Sopranos DVDs to watch in France. We both became addicted. I understand your views on the violence but I didn’t think it was gratuitous. Most people can seem nice, compassionate, empathetic, charitable on first glance or superficial acquaintance but that can be far from the case. If those characters were just evil and you saw nothing more, end of story, and it wouldn’t be interesting at all.

I thought it was a brilliant psychological study as the characters grow and develop, especially some of the more minor roles and we are shown how easy it is for human beings to become corrupted by power and money and actually by charm. Tony’s wife Carmello is sooo interesting and develops to be even more so. Having had an ‘interesting’ catholic childhood, I could also relate to those elements of religion and hypocrisy.

It might not be for you though and at least you gave it a go. For me I wish the experience was to come. I never watch things twice but might make an exception if we can ever wrestle them back from our French neighbours who are using them to improve their English.

Goodness this forum is a time killer! I need to do my homework for this afternoon’s café French!

Have a great day x

Some though are wonderful watched more than once because we see more each time. We’ve watched The West Wing at least 4 times (I think it’s probably 5 by now).


Hmmm now I’ve not seen that. I feel a dvd purchase coming on!

The most wonderful series ever! We go back to it every few years. It kept us sane during the early months of Covid and the sheer awfulness of Trump.

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We have too! And once we’ve finished our 4th watch of Miss Marple (Joan Hickson of course) we are toying with opening up the West Wing box again.

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