The weather!

I agree Karen, I think about 30 of mine was over a short time!

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today gave us just enough non-wet weather to more or less dry some lightweight laundry… then the torrential rain came, with thunder rumbling…
now, nigh on 8pm and it’s back to bright sunshine and squelching underfoot as I wander to the bins…
oh, the joys of country life :wink:

Well at least the water tables are replenishing in the SW, I last passed through the SW, in July last year & the rivers were so very low, bet they’re not so now.


We are still high and dry here in the PO. Snow keeps falling on the Canigou but it seems when it melts, it flows down the spanish side and not into the big barrage at Vinça so folks are a bit miffed as restrictions still in place and the Agly is as dry as a bone still. We have had a few heavy showers over the past couple of weeks but once stopped, everything dries out fast and back to square one. Forecast is for thundery rain this weekend but it always changes at the last minute.

Beautiful morning here in the Clunysois.

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Speaking to local friends last night and they mentioned how dire the situation was in Perpignan, so hope they don’t have to implement any extreme restrictions in the Summer. This lack of rain must be the worst for years.

We’ve thankfully had lots of rain here in Aude over the last month ot two after a very dry autumn and winter. Last year the winter, spring and summer were all very dry. The réservoir level above us was very low in Feb and I havent been up there since, so I think a visit is in order to check. It’s usually a good indicator of if/when we get water restrictions.

We are in for a week of rain.
The grass is already higher than we have ever seen it and the farmers are hoping for a bumper crop of hay,
If it ever stops raining enough to harvest it.


Same here ! Every time we look outside the grass seems to have grown several more centimeters.

After this morning’s deluge, just managed a 10 minute stroll/squelch… in glorious sunshine… now scuttling home as the black clouds gather once more… aaaargh.

Same here - desperately trying to get it under control before our first gite guests arrive - losing the battle though. I’ve decided there is no point in trying to mow/strim if all I’ve got to do is mow it again! So the banks will be left until the last minute and strimmed/mowed the once just before they arrive. Then hopefully the banks (which will look pretty scruffy) will not need doing again for the fortnight they are here. This time last year we’d had no rain for 6 weeks and had virtually finished mowing for the summer.


Still only the odd few droplets down here, all still crispy but green somehow. The commune have left the fountain and grassy areas around the estate to be overrun with weeds to give the insects a chance of survival.

With the bursts of rain and all the sun, and everything still going mad! So far strimmed about half the land, and it was waist high in many areas :scream: amazed at how everything has thrived, but for sure everything will be drying out very soon!


I used to gaffer tape cardboard to the lower legs of my jeans, protected my clothes and my legs🙂


That’s how my legs and feet looked this morning after I gave the land at the back a shave with the mower. Last done 5 weeks before, it was long and a little moist.

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I always wear gaitors now when strimming for that very same reason, then straight into the wash after. Also very conscious of ticks getting onto trousers or socks!


Quite right! A few days ago OH noticed a small lump just above his waist. He was driving the car, and flicked it off, but didn’t immediately check what it was. Turned out to be a tick. He made a quick trip to the MT, who gave him antibiotic tablets to take and antibiotic cream to apply. It seems to be working and the telltale red circle is shrinking away now, thank goodness.


Tick epidemic down here at moment as well as tiger mossies with some people contracting Dengue fever. Looks like a fun summer is coming.

I swear I can hear my grass crackling as it grows, just like bamboo.

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I have rarely been attacked, there seem to be fewer in this neck of the woods, and fields, but although I realise your husband’s action was reflexive, it is best not to flick them off. You must get the head out otherwise it stays in and continues to infect. I have 2 little forks to get them off the dogs in one piece but have used them on myself a couple of times. I have never sought medical attention of any kind though.