These are the 313 MPs who voted that ‘animals can’t feel pain or emotion’

Quite right Joanne. Situation covered by the Animal Welfare Act. More distorted and biassed news.

I think the vote was against the eu directive about animal sentience, which is different.

I agree…i think humans are more animal like. Its not the “animals” destroying mother earth…its us humans…so doesnt that make us real animals?

You ask if humans who destroy are behaving like animals, who also destroy, Meghann. A good question.

The difference may lie in the intention to destroy. Do non-human animals separate the intention to destroy from the act of destruction, do they have the capacity to do so? It’s a philosophical question to which there seems to be no answer.

We humans can only conjecture on what goes on in an animal brain (or mind, they aren’t necessarily the same ‘thing’). We form ideas about animal sentience or consciouness by observing their behaviour, and draw conclusions based on our human experience, but we can not know directly how they experience the world, or even if they do experience it ways we could ever comprehend.

I watch ‘my’ chickens a lot, it is a humbling experience. I wonder what they get from watching me, if watching me is what they’re doing. I’m only guessing in both cases. My mind is very limited, of that I can be sure.

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Creation takes only what they need…where as humans take beyond the need to survive. We kill out of anger, depression etc…animals kill to sustain life.
I love ur insight…really nice to have these type of convos!

I’ve always thought Californians to be thoughtful, reflective and philosphically-inclined people, although I’m sure there are many exceptions. I recently finished reading ‘Ten Best American Mystery Stories 2010’ (Editor Lee Childs) picked up in a cut-price London bookstore. Dark, mysterious and very vernacular tales, several set in California. Fantastic read! American writers are magnificently different, raw, very funny, but always with a unique complexity and imaginative challenge.

There are many savants/savantes amongst the SFN tribes. You are in good company, Megz! :grin:

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That book sounds like a great read!!!:books:

Lee Childs is also the author of the popular Jack Reacher character (sadly miscast with Tom Cruise in the otherwise good films).

Jack Reacher is the only novels Jim reads.
Currently re-reading the complete series.
Wonderful not to be contactable unless you wanted to.
Tom Cruise is a midget compared to Reacher.

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