This is probably the most moving video I have ever viewed

Okay, James. I did cry and (maybe crazy) felt awfully proud of him. Another very good lesson.

The second video is most touching and, I think, a very good lesson for all of us.

What courage, what humour, what a fabulous guy. Thank you for posting this video, Clive.

Well, these video clips have made me really weepy on this grey Sunday Morning .... The one posted by James as well is really good too.

So incredibly touching! What a wonderful person he is. And yes, I am still running around looking for another Kleenex. I wish I could share this will all my friends and family.


wow - yes, this moving video definately made me sit up and think....hope you out there get the messag etoo, and if not, well, then maybe not even an optician can help you....this video is so happy and so sad at the same time....

THis video made me sit up and think.

Yep, that's a tough one.