Thunberg, anyone?

I fear you could be on to something there Barrie, there are definitely more chinese and indian restaurants around these parts over the past few years !!

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Oh, I don’t know about that, Barry!

Robot lawn-mowing technology is very well advanced, they can cut down at variable levels, and get into any little corners where tender shoots quiver and quake before the silent advance of razor-sharp and merciless blades.

Human-slicing machines to similar design are surely well beyond the design stages in technologically-advanced countries, and are probably being stockpiled in readiness for a much-needed and overdue cull.

They have the advantage of not being destructive of buildings and infrastructure, and could be disguised as buses or delivery vans.

I think your anxiety about doom is premature, because doom-plans are well advanced and coming soon to a place near you! :hugs::smiley:

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Its interesting to think about the next installment. !!
So far, I haven’t read much that sounds more convincing about the ‘future’ than the report …
“the potentially “extremely serious outcomes” of climate-related security threats are often far more probable than conventionally assumed, but almost impossible to quantify because they “fall outside the human experience of the last thousand years.”
On our current trajectory, the report warns, “planetary and human systems [are] reaching a ‘point of no return’ by mid-century, in which the prospect of a largely uninhabitable Earth leads to the breakdown of nations and the international order”.
Once international ‘order’ breaks down, There won’t be much hope of controlling the mass exodus of people who find themselves in already uninhabitable regions. Yes pandemics, massive conflict, like wars between nations but perhaps just protection of ‘found’ or ‘claimed’ territory. Imagine if the current tides of escaping refugees, were multiplied by hundreds of thousands? The UN idea, maybe trees could fix it, I like. " 1.7 billion hectares of treeless land around the world where forests would naturally grow and planting programs could thrive, without encroaching on food production or living area"… I like to encourage frugal living, back to in touch with the rest of the life of the planet, but see small evidence so far of “humanity” making much of a shift, away from materialism. Still …human life, can’t be considered as if “separate” from all the rest, so I guess, its best to survive as best you and I can. As humans have always survived through killing fields of gargantuan dimensions. Always a few who make it.

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It looks like an error, to me, to say anxiety is premature. I’m astonished to see almost nobody thinking about any of it except pro scientists, paid for their research.
I’ve talked to people in Japan a few times, about how they survived after Hiroshima, its not at all difficult to picture that scenario in Europe. That was all just a little bit of fuss, compared with potential grief, now.

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I wonder if humans just can’t bear to think about such shocking changes in their lives.
Well, I recommend, those people get a grip. A disgracefully UNREAL world has been created out of cash and pressure sales.
“You must keep on… keeping on!”
…tied hands/feet/body and soul, into this ludicrous scenario of “essential growth”.
While billions of others, barely survive, way below anyone’s idea of a BREAD line.
Its destructive bullshit, and sure as eggs will cause everyone on the earth, big trouble, even if it doesn’t destroy them …all.

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You sure know how to rock 'em in the aisles, @anon78757855, better than Morecambe and Wise I guess! :joy::rofl::joy::rofl:

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I should have been more clear, @anon78757855. My point to Barry was more that he shouldn’t worry that a cleansing, purifying, liberating, away-sweeping doom isn’t just around the corner.

Versions of “Lebensraum” are on everybody’s lips: save the Green Belts for aristos and city types to bag game, playing fields for the progeny of the wealthy, gated arbors for the richest, walls to keep out the crims, rapists and kiddie-smugglers.

Let’s have a clean sweep. To paraphrase the man who bequeathed us Cupid Stunt, let’s knock civilisation’s stick away, Bring back “Little Boy”!

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Here is something anyone worried about the environment can do. Please sign this petition.

It is urging the UK environment minister not to do any trade deals with Brazil until the Amazon AND its people are protected


Have signed, 'tho can’t afford a donation at present.




Signing something seems too feeble, of course some Petitions achieve change. I like planting trees best.

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Feeeeeeeeeeeble, that’s me to a T (or an F). :pensive::cold_sweat:

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You are not so feeble, Peter, as to have no more strength than it takes to poke a finger at a couple of keys. Its selfie virtue signalling?.., to look in the mirror and think about influencing the govt. of Brazil to…do .xyz.
…dont know what Cupid had to say about it, but in his day, already everyone knew, just didnt do anything then, either…
All the hyper rich lot need cleaning out, yes, I think …or soon they will call out the trucks and recycle humans.
…Soylent Green…older than Kenny, but people knew …

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Love it! Comes in all sorts of flavours and consistencies, from molleux to croustillant even bio versions suitable for vegans…:hugs:



…too little, way too late…

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Sorry, @cat
had to reply to Monsieur Goble…, trying not to save the planet.

@anon78757855 :robot::laughing::robot::laughing::robot::laughing::bento::chopsticks:

Though it is only a small thing it does keep pressure on the government. As well as trees and wildlife being burnt there are also people in the forest.


That’s probably a personal taste thing, @almondbiscuit …it seems to me to be an important enough issue, for each person to make the choice to do whatever he/she does best and Peter is a semiotics/Gobledegook aficionado.

I don’t know about anybody else Catharine but l think your reprimand has been ignored by the naughty boy and girl in the class and, although the subject of this thread is extremely a la mode currently, perhaps it might be time to close it and move on - The Jeanette and Peter back and forth dominates as though they believe our forum is their personal intellectual whirlpool.

I love this forum but the patronising messages recently are just starting to grate a little.

If this upsets other members l apologise but l just had to make this point.

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