To Troll or Not to Troll.. that is the question

Ok Peter thanks for the info

OK… own up folks… how many of you started humming the Troll song when you noticed the video I had posted…

No need to post/reply here… just keep humming and smiling… :relaxed:

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At the risk of being considered a troll, I’d like to come to the defence of those feisty Scandinavian woodland dwellers, who have been accused unfairly of mischief on the internet. I much prefer the alternative definition of troll as a reference to the leisurely fishing technique of trolling. Wikipedia covers it pretty well:

"In modern English usage, “trolling” may describe the fishing technique of slowly dragging a lure or baited hook from a moving boat[20] whereas trawling describes the generally commercial act of dragging a fishing net. Early non-Internet slang use of “trolling” can be found in the military: by 1972 the term “trolling for MiGs” was documented in use by US Navy pilots in Vietnam. It referred to use of “…decoys, with the mission of drawing…fire away…”[21]

"The contemporary use of the term is alleged to have appeared on the Internet in the late 1980s,[22][23] but the earliest known attestation according to the Oxford English Dictionary is in 1992.[24][25][26]

“The context of the quote cited in the Oxford English Dictionary[25] sets the origin in Usenet in the early 1990s as in the phrase “trolling for newbies”.”

The defence rests. By the way, I thoroughly enjoyed the Troll Hunter film too. Well worth a watch.


On a football trip to Norway in the early 1990’s nearly every gift shop sold trolls and I bought one as a present for my wife. It looked very similar to this -


Unfortunately when the marriage ended a few years later she took all the ornaments from the house including said troll, to this day it’s something I bitterly regret letting her take.

Just thought I’d share this sad memory.

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I thought it was a fishing reference too.

Some of you will be old enough to remember, way back when…

“I’m Special”… from the Pretenders… get those feet tapping folks…