Total eclipse over the US. This is a treat

YouTube video

It’s semiotically so wrong for what it’s presumably intended to convey that it looks like one of Trump’s own ideas rather than anything thought up by the so-called ‘creatives’.

Quick deconstruction: - the sun is shining on Earth and then this big dark thing comes along and temporarily blots out all the light…

Hmmm… on second thoughts there might be some truth in that -

Maybe there’s some subversive creatives working undercover in MAGA land.

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Oh dear, how sad, never mind :slight_smile:


My family in the US enjoyed it, sent me some pics but said the solar lights outside came on and spoiled it somewhat in the photo. The pupils in Texas actual schools were given some time off so that the schools were covered should they actually look at the eclipse without protection and then the schools could not be sued for negligence - forward thinking I reckon for this day and age.

Oh, to have had a laser powerful enough to project the Walmart logon onto the Moon.

The Septics would have lost their minds.

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This is pretty cool…

I’m just going to save any thicko like me a bit of time here, because I didn’t know (or had forgotten):

semiotics (noun): the study of signs and symbols, what they mean, and how they are used

My daughter likes to go there for the entertainment value at the weekends!

I had no idea she was an astronaut!

Like this ?

Exactly! Stupid thing to do, but on TOH, we’ve come to expect stupid - so at least he’s being consistent.

Here’s looking to Spain, 12 August 2026. Or Iceland.

Not me. I cant eat a jaffa cake without doing this

Will it really be a total? We saw one in Germany about 10 years ago. A cloud spoilt it a bit.

So it seems, but it will be close to sunset when it starts over northern Spain so the sun will be low to the horizon.

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Might get to see something being just a few miles over the border. I remember the 1999 one in the north of France, everyone in the family who could, came down to stay with us in Brittany and we had a right old party that evening.

Could be worthwhile if its on your bucket list and you’ve clocked up some mileage. I gave consideration last year to making the trip to the US. A new car, helping my daughter with hers and taking on a project turned that idea into an extravagance but I’m content now as things turned out.