Trading in an old car

I am considering getting a car from a Mandataire - they seem to offer pretty good discounts off new cars (approx 20% discount).

I am interested to know if my 16 year old right hand drive car would qualify for an environmental scrapage scheme.

On their website the following is listed - is this some form of trade in?


I read somewhere on one current scheme the scrapped vehicle must be immatricule in France + carte grise.

However a local garage told me last year that a UK vehicle could be accepted. They turned out to be unable to do a task my UK garage then did relatively easily since then though.

For anyone that would get a situation where they would be forced to scrap an old car here… I would be a bit worried about possibly getting a bill for import duties and TVA now we’re not in the EU. And if really unlucky, have this billed on the new value of the car…

I will be very interested in what other answers you get on this.

The car is registered in France, but is RHD.

As long as the vehicle is registered with a French carte grise and you have owned it for over a year, then it’s fine.
You need to put the new car in the same name as is on the carte grise of the old car.
To qualify for the scheme the CO2 on the car you are buying needs to be within a certain range and your taxable income must come under a certain amount per number of parts.
They should take your old car in at a symbolic amount of 1€ so don’t be surprised if that is what they offer you.
They will then scrap that car as per the government rules.


Thanks @DeTolkTW

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No problem. Over the last year I’ve dealt with about 150 of these types of sales. If you need to know anything else, let me know.


Deedee just wanted to say thank you, what a fabulous addition to our site with your wealth of information and willingness to share it with us! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Ah thank you @toryroo. I’m a serial volunteer and I work on the basis that if you can help, why wouldn’t you? :pray::kissing_heart: