Translation please

Ah, a pint at t’ roundabout Paul, for a bit of t’ verbal :rofl:

I don’t remember much about my childhood apart from school, because I was sent away when I was 4. I had to take another 2 years out when I was 10, to catch up with myself, as it were. Spending my youth living in institutions has made me quite good at some things and terrible at others.


Maybe, when I’m next over but we also have a rendez-vous in Malestroit booked that week don’t forget.

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I can well understand, that would be ‘trying’ for a Child V’ :hearts:

Ah weel Mon, if ye havnae got 10mins fur a wee dram :open_mouth:
Only joking Paul, we will catch up soon, I’ m sure mate :+1: :grin:

Bill, academic education is afforded far too much value in our society, to the detriment of highly intelligent people with skills which are vitally important in societal terms, and are also intrinsically beautiful, admirable, dignified, inspiring and productive of wealth and worth.

Politicians tend to pay lip-service to the imbalances in the worth of human capital and potential, but not all, which is why I have some confidence in Corbyn who shares my ethos, despite the ridicule he has to endure unjustly.

Sorry to bring JC into the discussion, I don’t expect to change your mind though :grin:


I think we should never lose touch with our inner child Pete…there lies empathy and compassion for all the world’s children…:heart:


In fact wordreference is good for everyday vocab but doesn’t have many technical words (occasionally needed for translation). Thanks for your suggestions!