Trump Trumps Trump

Not unexpected…but at least 7 saw sense.

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Most of them have either just been elected or are retiring.

as Ian Blackford once remarked in the HoC “A shiver has spread its way along the front benches of the opposition, looking for a spine to crawl up”


How to spot a Republican in the Senate.

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More accurately the DA on the case - Cyrus R. Vance Jr, has been given the go ahead to subpoena them from the law firm that represents Trump’s accountants. Trump personally hasn’t been ordered to do anything.

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A field day for the forensic accountants.

Might take them longer than a day :slight_smile:


I’m surprised it hasn’t gone into meltdown, although there is probably not enough electricity back on line for that.

Trump propagated the lie that Asians were responsible for the global health crisis, making frequent reference to the “China virus” and “Kung flu” in his tweets and at his campaign rallies. All of which in the eyes of many Asian Americans transformed the events inside the massage parlors on Tuesday night into a tragedy waiting to happen. The question they posed was not why had the shootings occurred, but why had no one heeded the warnings?

Like the warning that was issued just a day earlier by Michelle Au, a Chinese-American physician serving her first term as a state senator in Georgia… She highlighted the middle-school kid punched in the face by his classmates who told him that “people like you” brought the “China virus” and “Kung flu” to the US – the exact phrases championed by Trump. She recalled the Asian customer in a pharmacy in Georgia who was sprayed with disinfectant and told to “go home” because “you’re the infection”…

All Asians are not Chinese though.

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Try explaining that to an American! I used to have US clients many years ago who came to the UK to set up multinational projects in Europe and could not get their heads round the fact that not everyone in Europe spoke English. And these were the Americans with passports who travelled!

and maybe the ones who ask why Windsor Castle was built so close to Heathrow airport :roll_eyes: :grinning:

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What matters just as much as the number is how many are going to stick. Trump is, after all, no stranger to lawsuits.

Sooo… Who thought he was going quietly?

I read on an American commentary that all but three of the Republicans in the Senate now do not believe that Trump won the election, but are just clinging onto his coat tails as there is nowhere else for them to go.

It’s still something like 75% of Republican voters remain convinced that the election was stolen.

It’s going to be an uphill climb to restore sanity.

However I think it is worth making a distinction between Trump actively pulling the strings and merely his influence, and the legacy of the accusations re: voter fraud giving Republicans an ongoing excuse to tip the scales in their favour.

They are actively going after Guliani now, so when he is trying to save his skin from jail he could very well dish the dirt on Trump in an effort to get leniency.