Trump's won, the West is goosed ☹️

If it’s that dodgy , shouldn’t it be removed?

Preferably yes @bonzocat could you edit your post.

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For ads like this, from The Lincoln Project, to appear on USA TV, is chilling and deadly serious, and I’m so glad I’m not American, to have to see this sort of thing on TV.

We are hardened to many things in life, but for me, I didn’t expect to see anything like this! What is wrong with the USA for defensive ads like this to have to appear!

Wow. And this is an ad from the “good” guys.

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This shows just how determined the good guys are, maybe desperate, in fighting against Trump’s followers and enablers who are pushing such an insane agenda.

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George Conway, lawyer and former husband of Kelly-Anne Conway (Trump’s former campaign manager - alternative facts) and part of the Lincoln Project, explains Trump.

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Trump regarding Arlington National Cemetery - from the words of a young widow whose husband’s gravestone is where Trump stood with his thumbs up.

A dire warning and a plea from British journalist Anthony Davis about the future of the USA. He broadcast this before Biden’s departure, so read in Harris’s name where he says Biden’s.

I hope he’s wrong in his prediction. (Whoops @John_Scully ! I’ve inserted this video after your ‘like’ for the first! Will delete if you want.)

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Watch from 9 mins in to hear an interesting admission

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He’s starting to repeat himself. He admitted losing at the border 2 weeks ago, at about 1.45 minutes into the video.

“horrible, horrible election, where I got many millions more votes than I got the first time, but didn’t quite make it, just a little bit short”.

He’s deranged. I hope it gets worse, quickly.

Not too quickly.

There might be some presidential election equivalent of a mistrial that could be declared if only 2 candidates and one of them declared incompetent. Could mean going through the whole thing again with someone without the weak points.

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Good point, we don’t want him unfit to stand trial.

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Tipped by the New York Times – that Alan Lichtman, who has correctly predicted the outcome of US presidential elections since 1984, has predicted the outcome of the 2024 US election.
Hope his latest prediction comes true, as we all do!

He’s a bit of a nerd, and I wonder if he wears a wig, but his successfull predictions are on record!

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Trump’s latest outrage.
Elon Musk to be appointed to stop waste in government.
Two huge egoists working together, I don 't think so.

Well that’s healthcare and social services gutted for a start.

If it weren’t for the global fall out I’d be all for a Trump presidency

If the turkeys want to vote for Christmas I’m in a “pass the stuffing” mood today :slight_smile:


I feel exactly the same way.

And woman all over America with no say over their own bodies.
Of course, Trump is going to stop all wars with one 'phone call, so it might be worth it.

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I hope that you don’t think I think Trump is a good idea.

But when you watch anything to do with his supporters it is rather tempting to think America deserves him

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I’m not sure these people interviewing idiots is helpful, for anybody. What is their objective other than increasing their own clicks? There are loads of idiots of every and no political persuasion. Searching them out and exploiting them doesn’t undermine their fellow halfwits at all.