UK lorry drivers heading to EU face ham sandwich ban

Somewhat old news James?

It’s going to cause some rukus, I expect.

Long distance drivers basically live in their trucks for the duration and, obviously, stock up before they leave home so the “no meat or dairy” and only a total of 2kg of pretty much everything else is going to hit hard.

The work-around is, presumably, to stock up at the Intermarché in Calais.

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Or go vegan.

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But there’s still a 2kg limit on other foodstuffs - hardly enough to keep a hungry truck driver going for a long drive.

Although it might not be such a problem if there’s no agreement on cabotage.

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What is the French for: “Empty your lunchbox?"


How many UK truck drivers know enough French to say ‘it’s vegan cheese’? :grinning:

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maybe if they are Liverpudlian, they’ll offer them a knuckle sandwich :crazy_face:


They currently just stock up when they stop over, bé that a service station or a local Lidl, at least, that’s what the Roumanians, Poles, and Lithuanians do near us.

Ooh nasty Graham, a terrible thing to say about out scouse friends !!!

This 4.5kg Toblerone I spotted in an aire would be off limits then. Maybe a 2kg Yorkie would be more appropriate anyway.


That’s an offensive weapon - you could twat someone with it and then eat the evidence :yum:

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Nothing new under the sun. When I returned to France with my wagon 20 years ago I was told off at Calais customs for having pork pies etc in my in-cab personal fridge. Didn’t confiscate them though.

Not sure about the state of play at the ,moment with the routier restos but they were where I did all my eating long before becoming a French driver. Anything in the cab was just a snack and a few emergency tins in case I got stuck between oases. :wink: :laughing:

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I’m pretty sure this is a load of rubbish. There’s so much of it around at the moment. We won’t know for definite until next spring, at least.

I don’t think this is rubbish at all, it affects anyone travelling from the UK to the EU after the 31st of December, the issue has and always will be how French customs enforce the rules.


Quite - and sans accord there might not be much goodwill on the French side.

Plus there’s the bigger issue of getting in at all after 1.1.21 - which I’ve barely seen mention of in the main stream media.


All milk chocolate will be off-limits John!

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Stop scaring people with fake news Geof. :wink:

I’ve got some Cheddar coming in a mixed package - marmalade, pyjama bottoms, soldering iron, heat shrink … :thinking:

don’t ask… :rofl: