UK riots, “it's a handful of thugs" myth

Looking at the dreadful events in the UK I am disappointed at the Government’s seeming inability to recognise or mention the underlying cause. After years of the Tories demonising immigrants and “foreigners”, massive remedial work needs to be done on the whole population. Immigration was, after the NHS and the cost of living the biggest issue in the recent GE.

All this bravado “Whac-A-Mole” approach, for example, having 70 prosecutors working over the weekend (how Starmer is that🤭) to issue rapid retribution to the thugs involved, misses the point completely.

Of course these people must be called to account, but they are really only the tip of the spear of a significant UK sentiment.


Which won’t happen overnight - in the meantime, making sure that those involved do not get away without some punishment is an important part of demonstrating that racism will not and should not be tolerated.


Too true. But, as I said, I’m pleased the Government is taking a strict line, but I am disappointed they are not simultaneously taking the opportunity to publicly sow the seeds for tackling the far wider, and I would say much more dangerous, issues. Clobbering the Yaxley-Lennon mob (though throughly satisfying in and of itself) will not fix the underlying rot.

Maybe I’m wrong, and it may surprise you to find I am a tad cynical :joy:, but it smacks of grandstanding… “tough on crime and on the causes of crime”. But no bloody long term solutions :roll_eyes:

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These yobs are not just anti foreigners, but a certain type of foreigner.
I doubt they would be rioting against an American living next door, unless they were black.
They are also misogynistic, in fact they hate anyone who is not like themselves.
This is a challenge to all decent men out there and I am waiting with bated breath to see it taken up.


Maximum jail time, make them pay for damage and how about using the Rwanda facilities for them that the Tories wasted money on?


Policing everyone the same all of the time would be a good starting point.

Have their been any arrests after the riot in Leeds?

I’m sure Google would tell you though I suspect you’re asking questions to which you already know the answer, which is yes.

They are all tattooed, pot-bellied and bald mostly and thats just the women. :rage: I bet they call the police out when they need their help. Seeing the photos online and on the news last night, I am disgusted and embarressed to be british these days and then brexiteer relatives had the nerve some months back to say all the french do is fight and riot in the streets, talk about pot calling the kettle black!


All very well being tough on rioters, but how will you punish them? Fines won’t take them off the streets and the prisons are full.

I think I have the answer, what about a bloody great barge moored in the Channel. :joy:


I think the CRS would sort them out :face_with_hand_over_mouth: But I do think the are only the tip of a ugly iceberg.


Barges and export to Rwanda notwithstanding, there lies further challenge of incarcerating the right wing thugs.

Confined together may have them plotting a rise in joined rebellion. Confined individually across establishments they may recruit others.

Punishing and re-educating the thugs is going to take much time and man power. And money of which there is none. I might suggest putting them to work repairing the buildings they have broken. Perhaps also allocating each individual a ‘sponsor’, as in the AA system?

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You only have to watch any uk quiz programme involving general knowledge, geography, world affairs, history etc. to see the amount of ignorance that prevails. Questions on soap opera or “reality” tv shows great!
Look at the Brexit vote, the number who voted for Reform and there you see the depth of ignorance and racism that is prevalent in mainly English society.
It will need a long term solution involving schooling, parental control and responsibility and as so many parents are themselves feral what chance?


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I listened Paddy O’Connell’s Broadcasting House. Thugs terrorised an Afghan family staying in a hotel in Aldershot. Broadcasting House - 04/08/2024 - BBC Sounds
09:15 mins/secs in

Disgusting comment.


@anon96832536 - please edit your post. Your comments are quite likely to be in contravention of anti hate speech legislation in both the UK and France.

Thank you @anon96832536.

@JohnBoy, I’ve taken the liberty of editing your post to remove the comment from there.

Both posts are locked so as to permanently remove the commet from view.

I see the initial edit complained of censorship - well, yes, but I’m afraid the UK and France have (as I said) anti-hate speech laws and, in France, site owners can be liable. In any case it wasn’t censorship, it was a polite request to change your post. Perhaps you could try making it in a way which does not need hateful language, or maybe not.

While you ponder your description of other human beings whose main transgression is to be fleeing oppression and discrimination and are in fear for their lives remember that even our xenophobic, anti-Islamist Tory government considered roughly 80% of the claims valid.


Permanently DELETE my account! I note this is not the first time a poster has requested this. The Forum is not a forum when it is controlled. Why is there no option for the user to easily delete their account. This is the first time I have come across this problem. Why do you not allow this option, more control?

Yawn - you have freedom of speech on here except where prohibited by law. That freedom of speech, however, is not a guarantee of a platform and watching my country fall apart after 14 years of whipping up a certain portion of it to hate others by the Tories, Farage and the right wing media I’m not going to stand by and enable more hatred and division.


I voted for Nigel Farage. He should be Prime Minister. He will do the right thing for the UK . The quicker he gets the majority and control the better! He deserves a knighthood!!!