UK threaten to storm Ecuadorian embassy in London

I don't think that there will be too many people sorry to see him leaving the UK for whatever reason, and as soon as possible. Just imagine his journey down there and after he arrives what on earth is he going to do down there? Maybe he should go to Chile and get involved in the guano trade; after all he's been shovelling similar stuff for years. He certainly won't enjoy freedom of speech or action. His international travel and financial options seem to be fading fast too. Do Mossad have any agents down there? It'll be The Boys from Brazil II.

Read this:

I have looked at the Daily Mail (do not do it!), Torygraph which is fairly objective and other papers in Spain and Germany, French papers have not yet said much, and the long Grauniad one is interesting for its detail. Sweden's behavious seems very odd and the UK is digging in heels and the government doing its popularity (or lack of) no obvious favours.

Ditto James and Janet. Since the announcement finished I have been chatting with an old friend in Peru. He is anything but radical left wing and I have never known him make anti-capitalist speeches but today he said that he hopes this contributes to the South American countries standing up to the USA and showing that they do not have the right to say what goes on. His view is that South Americans are fed up with being said to be on the USA's 'doorstep' and they see them as a big, fat turkey on their roof. Time to pluck it for Christmas.

A most interesting view from a middle of the roader, I wonder how the left are exploiting it? Best the USA drop it and the UK keep quiet or there will be reverberations like embassies being stormed and wrecked by angry mobs.

Ditto, James

Hopefully he left yesterday and is already in Ecuador

The Ecuadorian FM Patiño is dead serious, the summarising subtitles have nothing compared to the way he is expressing what appears to be Ecuadoe's position. It is also not 'fanatically' but calm and to the point.

Live from Quito

Excuse me for bringing Chavez of Venezuela into this, but he has been offering Ecuador support in helping Assange in the fight against the imperialist USA. If the USA gets the upper hand out of this then Chavez will be jumping up and down supporting his brother Rafael Correa which will get other Latin American countries onboard for making the USA the devil's disciple down there.

I think there is more to it than meets the eye. Interesting that Jerry says it is not making news in the US, I wonder why? I won't speculate about any possible misdemeanors in Sweden, but it wouldn't be the first time that someone has been set up by their governments "in the interest of national security". His real crime of course is that he has caused huge embarrassment to the US government and therefore must be silenced and made an example of. Does this heavy handed behaviour resound with other countries across the world? Ah but they are dictatorships and the US is a democracy.......

Sorry if this offends our American friends but I feel the extradition arrangements between the U.K. and the U.S seem to work in one direction only. The U.S. government is viscious with anyone who infringes their rules. Anyone remember the case of the young computer hacker who has Asperger's syndrome? No danger to anyone but they still insist on bringing him to the U.S. for trial. Heaven only knows what would become of him in a U.S. jail.

And to add another ingredient to the debate, I believe Assange offered himself up to be interviewed by Swedish police on British soil. Since then, the Ecuador embassy has made the same offer that he could be interviewed inside. Why have they not taken up this option? British police travel all the time to do this so it is not out of the ordinary. I do strongly suspect that Sweden is just a stopover en route to the US where he can no doubt share a cell with Gary McKinnon in Guantanamo Bay whilst he is looking for aliens...

Zoe, apparently 1pm is 7am in Ecuador which is when they have scheduled their announcement whether asylum is granted or not.

My feed is saying UK officials have been LET IN a side door of the embassy, and at one PM, there will be an answer.(assange in cuffs,more than likely) off to work, enjoy the fireworks.

Jerry, I'm not cynical... (ok, I am, but not about the US) I just see what happened in the caseo f Garry McKinno, and how the man never left UK soil, yet the US feds were banging their chests about shipping him over for indefinite detention.

It is not in your news, Jerry, because your news is biased, and geared towards certain agendas. Were the Anaheim police shotings plastered all over your news?? Nope.
As for being guilty of "rape"... the story hinges on the use of a condom, as both women said at some point the sex was consensual.

Terry; fine take out the armed guards.... but, going back... the embassy are not going to just let someone walk in, and walk Assange out the front door. Also, yes, if that were to happen, there would be armed guards. There already ARE armed guards outside, so, yes, the photos I'm seeing say a lot about armed guards

So sorry Cate that people clutter up the pavement of your London in an effort to defend free speech and access to bank dealings. As for the two charges of rape in Sweden, I have been following this for months and the prosecution case seems very weak indeed. But whatevr the result, he would be hauled off to the USA where they will put him away for life.

From an ordinary American viewpoint, this story isn't even in our news. It is all about the presidential elections now. I am concerned on how cynical you are Zoe about the USA. We are not all bad guys with ulterior motives. As just a human with no political motives, I think he should face the music if he is guilty of any crimes. If he is guilty of rape or espionage, he should at least face his accusers. When someone goes out of his way to hide or run away, it gives all appearances of being guilty.

I've added the twitter feed on the right of the page for those who want to keep up to date on this story.

Someone just ordered a cab for Julian Assange at the embassy!

Who said anything about armed guards, Zoe?

Anonymous and Occupy? Hey guys, we should go and camp outside the Ecuadorian embassy. That'll get us back on the front pages!

I'm a professional cynic, Zoe, aka a retired news agency journalist. I watched the Olympics but that doesn't stop me following the news.

Thanks James, had missed that bit of info. So he is a fugitive from his own country for reasons of avoiding criminal prosecution. I think the Swedes still need to assure everybody he will not be shipped off to the USA and the furore is over.