Unprecedented attack by British government on expat pensioners in Daily Mail

In a heavily biased article in the Daily Mail published on 13th November, the newspaper showed its true colours by printing a totally one-sided report on the Winter Fuel Fiasco which affects up to almost half a million expat pensioners living out their last few years on the European mainland.

The article which included a tawdry looking image of Ian Duncan Smith (IDS) appearing for all his worth like a used-car salesman also employed even more dodgy looking data to press the governments point home.

It all starts with IDS ‘slamming the EU Courts’ ruling against the government over its acts of discrimination against British expat pensioners choosing to live outside of the UK as the Treaty of Rome permits them to do. It was a defining principle of the original “Common Market” that Britain gleefully signed up to in the beginning, that people from all member states could travel, live and work freely in any member state without fear or favour.

The article focuses wholly on Western Europe and absolutely no figures are provided in respect of taxpayer’s money being paid out to other parts of the world including Winter Fuel Allowances in Africa and India and boatloads of loot to Pakistan and goodness knows where else.

In what is becoming a blatantly obvious pre-occupation by the Conservative party with the swings in favour of UKIP and its single policy politics, the government is using every opportunity to preach the politics of envy in their desperation to win over UKIP supporters to the Conservative ranks before the next election.

Anyone who has had to see children through their school years knows all about school bullies. It appears that some of them have never reformed or grown up properly and have found their way through to the seat of government in the UK. As we know, all bullies are cowards and they always pick on the weakest and most vulnerable to vent their spleen on. The British Government is picking on the old and frail who in their lifetime or rather near to the end of it, have dared to live in Mainland Europe instead of crime-ridden Britain.

Many expat pensioners are there because they feel safer and the daytime temperatures can be milder than the UK in winter but the night-time temperatures are another thing. They are very often considerably colder than the UK as we, on the Costa Blanca are to find out this week with snow forecast and night-time temperatures below 5 degrees. As I write we have icy winds blowing in the middle of the day that feel like a scythe.

The Mails article continues with a dodgy looking graph with a distorted axis which endeavours to demonstrate ‘how the Winter Fuel Payments have soared in a decade.’ In true style, the authors of this graph are not showing all the countries involved in the statistics. On the graph which shows an unspecified starting point for all the countries referred to including ‘Others’ there is a slow increase between the years 2002/2003 and 2009. There is then a levelling off until 2011/12 when the graph suddenly jumps at an angle of around 60 degrees from the horizontal. This seeks to demonstrate that the increase in the number of Winter Fuel Payments of around 16,000 extra in Spain, 10,000 extra in France and 11,000 extra in Ireland is due to the EU court Ruling against the UK government for discrimination. To the best of my knowledge the European Court’s ruling came later than this!

Notably “Others” although undefined are the 4th largest recipients of the Allowance. The writer wonders why the contents of “others” is such a closely guarded secret!

Moving on from the Dodgy looking graph, to an even dodgier looking IDS, who appears to be sweating in his photo, the man seems to have become obsessed with bullying expat pensioners.

As a brief aside, you will doubtless see and unfortunately hear Mr Cameron lecture the Sri Lankans on ‘democracy’, ‘freedom’ and ‘justice’ this weekend. Britain and its government, preach more about ethics to the rest of the world than any other country.

“Democracy, Freedom, Justice”! How does the British government apply these three words to their own senior citizens? The simple answer is that in their view British Expat Pensioners are exempt from such considerations, they don’t qualify.

What the British Government is practising is ‘discrimination’ over the Winter Fuel Allowance, ‘punishment’ for living off shore from the UK, ‘contempt’ by freezing state pensions that people have paid into all their working lives, ‘disenfranchisement’ of time-served taxpayers after 15 years and ‘vulgarity’ in the way that they speak of and discus all these time-served taxpayers.

The British Governments treatment of expats living all over the world where they are disenfranchised from voting in their country’s elections and the referendum on the EU, who live on frozen state pensions some as little as 8 pounds a week, whose reciprocal health care benefits are under threat and whose winter fuel allowances are about to be snatched back because they don’t live north of Watford Gap, is calculated and most obnoxious.

Well Mr Cameron, there is no democracy in denying your own citizens the vote, no freedom in being discriminated against for daring to live off the coast of Britain and no fairness in any of your policies towards expat pensioners.

Your article in this rag of a newspaper and associated comments of vulgarity towards us proves my point. In the article IDS, has the gall to shout “This increase is a direct result of a ridiculous ruling by the European Court of Justice and we are not prepared to sit back and allow hard-working taxpayers money to be used this way”.

Well excuse me Mr Smith but the British Government has been able over 40 plus years to misuse my weekly payments of tax and National Insurance and of others on whatever it deemed fit to use or waste it on without any concern or consultation with the taxpayer including me or saving it towards my state pension.

Within those wastages were the numerous scams and schemes by serving politicians to line their own pockets at the tax-payers expense even unto this month when 340 of them claimed over 200,000 pounds for heating their second homes. Apparently they can claim anything up to 20,000 pounds a year for their second homes. A bit different than our 200 pound winter fuel allowance is it not?

Hypocrisy knows no bounds with some politicians!

The Mails article states “Previously, expats had to be resident in Britain until they were 60 before they could claim the benefit, but the ruling allows people who lived or worked in Britain for most of their lives to qualify”.

Well Mr IDS I did just that and according to your rules I claimed my Winter Fuel Allowance in Britain and a year before moving to Europe. You have arbitrarily decided to deprive me of my allowance by reneging on an earlier promise. This has nothing whatsoever to do with the EU Court Ruling so why are you lying about this? Why are you blaming everything on the EU? Is this more anti EU-noise to attract UKIP voters?

Page 3 of my printout of this dreadful Mail Report has a table headed “Where the Money went”. Unlike the dodgy graph this dodgy table shows 13 countries with Spain at the top and Iceland at the bottom. Notably this dodgy table shows the Republic of Ireland as the 3rd largest beneficiary of this money. Ireland is hardly likely to have tropical temperatures but hey, hands up all those Westminster politicians who have declined their Winter Fuel Allowances!

The report claims that 49,443 expat pensioners living in Spain enjoy temperatures of 17 degrees during December and January.
This is sometimes possible in some areas during the day but they want the reader to believe it is like that 24/7!

The real truth is that Spain by definition is a cold country with a lot of sunshine. But Mr Smith, your research assistants have neglected to tell you that the sun does not shine at night here! I know that sometimes politicians show an incredible lack of intelligence but this is basic pre-school education it really does get dark (and cold) here at night!

In Spain it is bitterly cold and often below 0 degrees at night in the winter months. We have the second highest premature winter death rate in Western Union of 21%, second only to 28% in another country where you are punishing expats - Portugal. The UK is 18% and is 16% lower in real terms than Spain. Fuel costs are prohibitively high here and possibly worse than the UK. You see Mr Smith, when old people get too cold, they die. I would like to think that, that is not your objective but there is so much cynicism in British politics it’s hard for us old folk to tell fact from fiction. Incidentally, Italy as a Mediterranean country that you consider “cold”, has a Premature Winter Death Rate OF 16% - even lower than the UK!

As a real final touch to this seedy government propaganda broadcast, the fourth and last page of my printout has a large colour picture of a beach on the Costa del Sol. People are on the beach and swimming in the sea and generally enjoying themselves – they are probably holiday makers from Germany! The sun is clearly bursting through the heavens and it is blatantly obvious that the photo was taken in daylight hours in the middle of the summer and its publication designed to deceive since the article is about winter and not summer!

The aim of the photo is to encourage hatred for expat pensioners from the ‘Have-nots’ and much of the Daily Mails readership appears to be made up of people like that judging by some of the ‘sick’ remarks about pensioners that I observed in the online comments including asking the government to take our passports away. The likes of IDS have no perception of the lasting damage they are doing to the once great Conservative party who nobody will trust for years to come. They seem impervious to the needs and fears of the elderly and frail. They are the worst sort of bully to have in any society. Maggie will be turning in her grave!

The Chancellor in backslapping his buddy IDS, described the 30 million pound savings as significant whilst a spokesman for the NHS described a 30 million pound spend on health tourists as “A drop in the Ocean”. If you are going to speak with forked tongues it is better that everyone speaks the same language in case this humble electorate catches you out.

In the last few days the government have undertaken to pay mothers 200 pounds to breastfeed their babies – I would have thought that, that would come naturally from any caring mother. Next there will be a body of paid snoopers to go round and check they are doing it – perverts need not apply. So in truth taking away the winter fuel allowance has nothing to do with saving money – it is all about redistributing it!

We will see you in the European Court Mr Smith on further charges of discrimination. Better you enter a guilty plea now and admit countless other intended offences.

Clive Walley

Author in Spain

To Readers

Please visit and vote and encourage everyone you can young or old to vote on the attached petitions. They are important for your parents, you, your Children and Grand Children.




It's quite funny to read that there are people who believe that we're all sunbathing in France/Spain on a day that it is snowing! (15 cm until now and still more to come) Here, in the Auvergne at an altitude of 1000 m we have very cold winters. 3 years ago the temperature dropped to minus 30 at night and we had 3 weeks of -20 during the day.

BTW, I heard a rumour that the French government is going to tax people who use too much electricity for heating. (No idea how they're going to check that, and will they use the same map of France as the author of this article, taking into account only the temperature in Marseille?) Has anybody heard about this?

Very good point Doreen. We had spells without internet too, in fact without anything electrical at all. We had four power downs today. People say 'Ah, but you have a wood stove...' and they are right BUT we need electricity because of the pump that fills our boiler and drives the central heating. Our beautiful open fire mostly wastes heat up the chimney. Yes, we will install a wood burner when we can afford it plus all the extras with it.

We have a gas heater for emergencies, but then we have to buy gas for that. Yes, we also have electric heaters, I have one because my radiator has conked out, air in the pipes, for which we must pay a plumber. In the interim there is the electric radiator of course, whilst we have power that is. Electricity also keeps my respirator going at night and since we can't afford accumulators for emergencies because money is pouring out on all manner of other means of keeping warm and so on, the rotten £200 on top of my absolutely minimal so-called pension (one shop at a supermarket and gone) might go toward buying one. The minimal pension is my reward for living on grants given by the government who used my research inevitably and gave me to understand I would have all normal 'benefits' at the end of it all. Oh yes, the goalposts moved every few years and then I eventually got a letter telling me if I paid several thousand pounds to the UK government then I could have a full, whatever that means, pension. Then, as I understand it, people with the mythological 'full pension' cannot afford to live decent lives either. So why wasn't provident and take out a private top up pension? I did but it was one of the two that went completely and utterly broke. Yes, completely broke and nobody got anything but did the government step in to help anybody? Don't bother answering, we all know the answer to that one.

So yes Brian (English) I feel aggrieved. I am not bitter, as grumpy as I seem, but successive governments have reneged on promises, this coalition has reduced too much of the population there or wherever they happen to be to all but begging. Now they want to cut off as many pensioners as they can. First WFA, then freeze pensions, perhaps even stop paying out to pensioners abroad in the fullness of time. If they are allowed to get away with this stunt, then we are simply giving up the ghost without a fight. It is not the measly £200 really, it is the principle. But then this government does not know what principles are.

Bad luck Brian. There seems to be something about French houses and electrical syytems which makes them much more susceptible than English house.

My sister in law's hous and my mother in laws house and shop in the Philippines were both written off in the storm and we're having a fundraiser for her village locally on 8 December. Village hall loaned free by the Mayor very sweetly.

I hope you saw my comments about the Daily Mail and "Mac" the cartoonist. It turns out that it's him who lives in a London riverside flat (similar in same block £1.75 million) who has the indoor pool and gym. "Mac" is a pensioner too though but I wonder if he gets his WFP? He won't be losing it if he lives in the UK. personally I believe that all deserving and needy pensioners should have it but why should millionaires in the UK have it of right? Apparently it's very difficult to refuse it. It's tax fee too!

Hi Everyone,

Thank you for taking time to read my article even if everybody does not agree with the content. I do take issue with the person who said that the British Government were not going to give 200 pounds to mothers who breastfeed. I know that it wasn't Alan Sugar who promised it but I did see and hear a Certain Mr Jeremy Hunt whilst I was 'Illiegally' watching a UK TV channel. I recognised the man as being the same person who visited my Electronics Factory in England a few years ago where I generated 1500 man-years of work over a 20 year period starting from scratch. The British Government loved the tax and NI I generated - simply millions which of course they wasted it all on things other than welfare and pensions. I sadly lost my business after that time through severe storm damage and an Insurance Company that reneged on the terms of its policy so I had no gong from the government for my good work and not one penny piece of profit for myself. Anyay, this man asked to walk around my company to be photographed for his election campaign so I'm sure I have the right man.

Anyway, I digress. I did see and hear him informing the viewing public, legal or otherwise about this wonderful scheme the government had come up with to spend the Winter Fuel Allowance savings.

I do however conceed since I was reliably informed by a very learned Brian Cave that the EU Court decision did come earlier than I had remembered - I accewpt 100% what he said. I apologise for any misconception created by me.

I have no apology to make beyond that and increasingly it is being shown to what lengths this wicked government is prepared to go in 'doctoring' Met Office figures to push expats in France and possibly in Spain too, into losing their WFA.

On the last point I should mention that my late reply to these posts was brought about by some considerable devastation of my home in the small hours of Saturday morning by a direct lightening strike. We had lightning balls inside the house and thrusts of lightning tearing its way through the wiring system destroying (by frying) a great deal of equipment on its way although not powered up or even on standby. Electric Oven, hob, washing machine, Airconditioning unit (our major source of heat), TV's, DVD player, All Internet equipment but not the computer, fridge, garage door control unit, 2 fuse/breaker panels, one brick chimney with small gas fire, hot water boiler, roof tiles and countless power sockets and light switches.

My wife and I were nearly blown out of bed by the blast and were just inches from being fried ourselves. We have suffered ear pain for 3 days now from the change in air pressure and our young son was petrified. Yes I have a young son and a young wife too! Anyway, we have only just had some of our power restored and the internet equipment replaced in front of a most unfriendly Loss Adjuster! It has not gone above 3 degrees here today on the costa Blanca and we havew snow on small ajacent mountains.

Finally, thank you to all of you who have been kind enough to sign the petitions. Those who do still want to challenge the UK government and who are not put off by the pro-daily mail people - please be sure - we can win this fight!! more signatures please!!!!!

It is rather academic since we can already watch many channels via internet and that is expanding rather than reducing, so the objective of the Astra enterprise to reduce signal areas is rather pointless anyway.

Yes Irene, spot on:

Council Directive 89/552/EEC of 3 October 1989 on the coordination of certain provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action in Member States concerning the pursuit of television broadcasting activities.


The Directive aims to ensure the free movement of broadcasting services within the internal market and at the same time to preserve certain public interest objectives, such as cultural diversity, the right of reply, consumer protection and the protection of minors. It is also intended to promote the distribution and production of European audiovisual programmes, for example by ensuring that they are given a majority position in television channels' programme schedules.


In other words, what the licencing authorities do and say are two entirely different things and moreover, it is not illegal to receive UK TV outside the UK although clearly something needs to be done about the licence issue. Sky is a private, multi-national company and issues specific contracts, so different anyway. However, when receiving it in the UK a licence is still required because one is receiving irrespective.

Brilliantly put Clive - thank you. The only good thing to come out of this so far is the potential annihilation of the Conservative party. They are the only ones partying!

While my wife loves the mail but on this she has stopped her sub the people getting this benefit have payed taxes all their lives if we can give money to a country’s with a space program give benefits to people with kids abroad then leave expats alone

Yes David, here we are waiting to see how the poor man's champion (tears in Easterhouse, Glasgow over the conditions people lived in a few years back), whose CV, qualifications and much else have been either made up or embellished depending on which made him into something instead of nothing. Also the bitterness, I would imagine, of the Tories not choosing him to lead their party a few years back may be one of the levers make his machinery turn over.

I must say that I have identified myself as a 'socialist' unlike all of the blue Labour or PS types though on numerous occasions. So that whenever I mention capitalism people are ready to pounce. However, this time I am simply going to say that what I see happening is a battle royal between capitalism and capitalism. That is to say, those who know no better like Cameron and Osbourne are unfit to govern a nation with their backgrounds that divorce them from reality. They are saving crumbs like WFA to bolster an economy that on political economic bulletins is given out as thriving and growing without mentioning GDP with a debt in billions, a national debt of another nature likewise and the dilemma of making things look better. Yes, they are helping the rich grow richer, mainly through generous support and allowing tax evasion by various other names. Yet much of what is being done is part of a battle with the very rich who are permanently ready to pack bags and remove their capital and even the entire business elsewhere. So so-called advisers paid disproportionately large fees for stating the obvious, untrue or ridiculous are now telling politicians exactly what to do (or not sometimes) in order to keep foreign capital there and growing. Every penny they can purloin from the increasingly poor population is taken or withheld, statistics tailored to justify those actions (for instance: more people in jobs when actually they mean less people on JSA and other benefits because they are 'disqualified', thus no longer part of statistics). So WFA, freezing pensions, disability allowances, child allowances and so on are the first line of attack, but imagine what is yet to come!

Brian English made a point about the Freeview viewers not paying licence fees. Is he aware that if anybody was honest enough to try to do so they would be denied that opportunity anyway? One is not allowed, even voluntarily, to pay a licence fee unless one has a UK 'mainland' (Isle of Wight, Western and northern Isles are included) address at which one resides or is renting to tenants. It is only required where receiving equipment such as an antenna or satellite dish are used for reception, but internet reception is not included. A silly law perhaps, but law nonetheless, so using that kind of argument hardly balances out against the nasty little bits and pieces of robbery the present government is applying to those who paid taxes and their other payments in the full understanding and trust that the state would look after them in later years or other situations of need.

Mind you, I would not say Miliband and pals will offer any better or indeed any other party on this planet. Rhetoric and reality are uncomfortable bedfellows. Whoever enters politics today tends to do so to their own ends and as IDS so perfectly illustrates, will do just about anything to that end. To hell with the rest of us.

"In Vino Veritas"

Have you seen this man ?

“Mac” otherwise known as “Rambling” Stan McMurtry aging sun-tanned veteran hack cartoonist, seen here glugging wine with his gorgeous third wife near their luxury home at Albion Riverside in fashionable Battersea, south west London, where “Mac” is on the residents’ committee. (typical 2 bedroom flat currently on the market at £1.75 million)

Normally kept under tight restraint by his masters, those “gentlemen of the press” at the Daily Mail, this man has lately taken to unprovoked and savage attacks on British pensioners.

Previously described as “apolitical” but now closely associated with failed DWP supremo Ian “Stuff the Expats” Duncan-Smith this person should be treated with great caution, and should only be approached with generous pension offers, cases of wine, lavish meals etc, and afterwards slowly led back to the care and comfort of his home.

Beware the IDS of any month. Comoron not much better.

Rosie, be very careful about assumptions about Roma. A few get some benefits, usually for children, but the myths invented by the media are scurrilous rubbish. 'Undesirables', like the British who occupied large parts of the world and did nothing FOR the people of those countries then or now. Remember that what you shall reap you shall sow. Then think again about the moral duty we have to other people. The fact that lying b's like IDS inflate and conflate 'facts' should be far more newsworthy than the people he tells untruths about and the press who do much the same. The DM is at the vanguard of such behaviour.

Thanks for heads up if we say anything in uk about money sent to Asia or Africa we are called closet racists so good man from an old R E M E man

Thank you Clive, I actually read the article in The Mail and it made my blood boil. Only a short time ago the Government said that ALL immigrants into Britain would not be able to claim ANY benefits until they were resident for 6 months. Now they have reneged on this by now paying Romas and other undesirables, plus any other immigrants in the UK immediately they enter the UK. They have sqaundered millions on other undesirables, by upholding their "human rights" and paid them out. It appears to me and others that the UK Government have never learned to balance their budget where it matters most. By cutting the WFA, they will now force some Expat pensioners, including myself, to call upon the mercy of the French Social system and ask for some financial assistance - thus depleting the welfare system in France. Really it does not make any sense to me.

Along with the dodgy assumption that everyone living in France lives on the Med. The winter temperatures here in Alsace are rarely warmer than in the UK, probably except the Cairngorms, yet we're supposed to spend the winter on the beaches!

Get two hats Cate, I am agreeing again - mind you here in the Door-dog-knee I am reminded of Dennis Healey having a go at Geoffrey Howe, "Like being savaged by a dead sheep", when the PC brigade are mentioned.

Hahaha, agree several hundred per cent Cate. ;-)