UPDATE 10th December: Confinement/Deconfinement

Two are in the same department as us and the third has already had Covid.

sounds hopeful then
 but need to wait for the fine-tuning info 

re your child who has already had covid
 any after effects???

I have friends (a couple we knew from way back when). He’s 70 and she’s 50 .
After recovering from mild covid, they’ve both been suffering on and off for many months now
 and will probably be doing so for the rest of their lives

I’m confused :woman_shrugging:. Can anyone please clarify whether the mixing of households is still forbidden from 28 November. TYIA

Everyone is supposed to be continuing with the strict rules already in place.

It’s only certain things which have been relaxed
 like the 1km rule
 which is now 20km
and certain shops which were closed, now allowed to open (provided they can meet new health regs).

All the other strict stuff is still in place
 like no mixing of households

Which is why we are discussing whether or not we might be able to have guests for Christmas Dinner

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It’s a bit irritating that Castex said yesterday that they would not give precise details about the numbers that can be entertained yet
 people are making plans now, so waiting another few weeks to say you can only have 6 or 8 or 10 people or whatever will be too late. Thousands of trains tickets have already been bought in last 48 hours!

But he made it clear
 as did M Macron
 that nothing could be promised until nearer the time, since we need good results from each stage of “releasing lockdown” in order to move, safely, onto the next
 :thinking: :thinking:

and it is being plastered everywhere
 and repeatedly stressed
 that this year’s Christmas will NOT be able to be like others.

It’s all bollox though, there is no way the figures won’t be massaged to suit. Less testing is being done now than a month ago according to daily figures (which are always days behind anyway) so new case numbers are bound to fall.

Not sure what your point is Stella.

I’m posting today’s “figures”
 which show the slight improvement

and also the clear words
 that the second wave is not over yet

Why are testing numbers going backwards though, test more and you pick up ‘asymptomatic’ cases, isolate them and the virus spreads less rapidly and therefore less people end up in hospital and possibly die. If Slovakia can test more than half it’s population over a weekend (3.6 million tests) why can’t France do more than a 1.3 million tests a week?

Not sure where you are getting the idea that tests themselves are going down

it’s the percentage of positive cases found by testing
 which is going down

Wednesday 13% of those tested were found to be positive
Thursday 12.2% of those tested were found to be positive

The figures on the official government site say so as does Le Parisien -

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Definitely falling, though I am not aware of the reason.


and it is explained that the drop is partly due to confinement (folk not going out and about so much) and the good news is that the lower the number of tests
 the swifter the results
 which are what is needed for those folk who have to go out and about

«Dans un contexte de confinement, en l’espace de deux semaines, la baisse constatĂ©e s’élĂšve Ă  900 000, et le nombre de tests revient au niveau observĂ© Ă  la mi-octobre, ou encore Ă  la fin septembre», souligne ce service dĂ©pendant du ministĂšre de la SantĂ©.
Conséquence : les résultats arrivent plus vite

Du fait de ce volume rĂ©duit, les dĂ©lais d’obtention des rĂ©sultats «se raccourcissent nettement» : «66% des tests RT-PCR validĂ©s la semaine derniĂšre ont Ă©tĂ© prĂ©levĂ©s dans les 24 heures qui prĂ©cĂšdent (contre 52% la semaine du 9 au 15 novembre), un niveau qui n’avait pas Ă©tĂ© atteint depuis la mi-juin», souligne la Drees.

La part de tests validés en moins de 48 heures augmente également : 93% contre 84% la semaine précédente.

Which is why they need to do it the other way round. Give precise details now, such as a maximum of 6 people, and say if the numbers improve that will be relaxed. Most houses/dining tables are probably spacious enough for 6 people (plus a few kids). Now it’s too late. Tickets booked, plans made, and reunions arranged. Our güte was booked yesterday, and its not my business to tell them what they can and can’t do.

Precise Details:
What we have “now” is 
 no mixing of households
 which means no friends/neighbours/family visiting

if improvement happens
 things might be relaxed
 if things don’t improve
 things will NOT be relaxed.

can’t say fairer than that

You make things sound so simple Stella and perhaps for you they are, we want to have a family Christmas should we be permitted so it would helpful if we knew how many we’re allowed around the table and I don’t see why we can’t be told now. I get that the government can’t rule on gatherings per se until closer to the time but that’s a different issue.

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Sorry to be brutal @tim17and it is simple my take is this

assume nothing other than Christmas gatherings round the table are off-piste this year.
If the situation changes in time for a family gathering, then that’s a bonus otherwise, everyone knows where they stand.

I realise this is from UK but the principles still apply