I want US$500. Anyone got any feelings for what is the cheapest way to buy them in France? Conversely, if anyone has US$500 they would like to convert to euros I will happily pay the current rate.
The worst way is to "buy" your foreign currency is with a credit card. A friend who travels a lot on business battled with his credit card company for years about their view that the purchase of foreign currency or travellers's cheques constituted a cash advance -- and attracted the same extra costs. His argument that he was buying a product that happened to be cash cut no ice with the credit card guys. Needless to say, he doesn't do this any more. This was in Britain, but I suspect the same is probably true in France. I have only ever bought foreign currency in the UK but, oddly, the best deal I found was at the Thomson Holidays franchise in my local Asda store. I doubt this will help you in France, though. Good luck.