Useful Phone Numbers - please contribute!

This blog post will act as a phone numbers resource, for those hard to find English speaking numbers in France, AND for direct numbers in the UK. Most English companies now use 0800 or 0500 numbers which obviously you can’t dial from here and don’t advertise or publicise the alternative. If you find a useful number, please leave it as a comment and I will try to keep the post updated. Thanks! And thanks to Teresa for the suggestion!

For starters:

Orange France English speaking phone service

01 55 78 60 56

EDF English phone service

05 62 16 49 08


HMRC - tax office

0044 135 535 9022

also 0044 151 210 2222

British Gas

0044 113 298 0900

Vodaphone uk

0044 7836 191 191

Legal and general insurance

0044 1737 370 370

Direct line insurance

0044 208 686 3313


0044 120 229 0246

David - you’re right - and see @kerry giroud post too below. I’m not sure why they feel so secretive about the actual phone number… anyways… we too are on the orange “fire away, call who you like, it’s free!” package, thought i have my doubts. when we moved from ireland to england it nearly bankrupted the calls home… and i slightly worry about the 30 min calls to the ma in dubin. still…

I love hearing comment like that :slight_smile:

is has been an absolute life saver for me the site !!!

i’m so proud - this is going to be brilliant!
kerry - that is a great site - oh the hours i could have saved…

Orange Internet Help Line in English:
09 69 36 39 00

i find this website very helpful when trying to find a number of a company in the uk from france.

Thanks Catherine/Theresa, very useful!

I have a couple of numbers to add (for calling within France):

English-speaking line for Crédit Agricole bank - 04 66 70 30 96
English-speaking line for France Telecom - 09 69 36 39 00