Vaping, why did it take so long?

As an ex-smoker I know just how hard it is to kick nicotine addiction. I quit thirty years ago but the damage smoking did to my lungs lingers on. I initially thought vaping another good tool for people to wean themselves off fags. However, and IMO, through lack of regulation and oversight, vaping has given tobacco companies a new and very effective means of addicting a whole new generation. It seems all governments have been equally asleep behind the wheel on this one. Though it does make Sunakā€™s attempt to shut the stable door on smoking, while ignoring the elephant in the room (can I squeeze in another metaphor here :thinking:) rather cloth eared.

Because corporations own the governments in one way or another and both see humans as a revenue stream to be mined and managed for maximum profit.


And I thought I was cynical :joy:


Cynical is how I spell ā€œrealistā€ these days.

Expect the worst and be pleasantly surprised when it doesnā€™t come to pass.

I understand what you mean. For example, every time one contacts a call centre (I mean all call centres, not just in France) you have to gear up for a fight. Itā€™s a real shock if they do actually sort out the issue.

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I was out in central London yesterday and the air reeks with the smell of vape products. Many people wandering about clutching their vape on which they suck all the time. There could be an opening for a mobile phone with a vape so that people only have one thing to hold as they walk about.
I also have started seeing adverts for products to help you quit vaping.

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You donā€™t need to go that far - just follow the group of people heading into Leclerc at a busy time of day - sickly sweet smells!
What I struggle with is the people who think itā€™s ok to work for tobacco companies. Where is their morality? Oh! Just remembered where - it went out the window when they saw how good their payslip is.

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Its either that or American candy shops, sickest nation on planet earth spreading their diseases far and wide whilst telling everyone how they should run things :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: rant over. X


I turned down a job with Phillip Morris years ago because of the morals involved.


I have noticed how they get to the door of the shop and then take a final suck just before they enter. Vaping seems more addictive than tobacco.

May well be as there is sugar in it as well.

Iā€™d say cynical rather than cloth eared. Doing something which sounds plausible, as a headline or sound bite unless you happen to know it will make feck all difference to anyone.

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Iā€™m sure youā€™re right. It is an immediate nicotine hit and can be bought in strengths higher than found in tobacco.

Too true, but I was looking for some sort of metaphor and lying, snivelling, little bastard didnā€™t fit :slightly_smiling_face:

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Given that we were talking about Sunak it sounds a perfect fit.

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:laughing: calling customer support is not a service provided for actual solutions but rather a way to deflect from customer support to make a company/organisation look as if they care.


I see a lot of positive comment on here about former deputy chairman of British American Tobacco Ken Clarke. Former HEALTH MINISTER who then lobbied heavily on behalf of the tobacco industry whenever governments of all colours wanted to impose stricter restrictions and warnings. Canā€™t pretend I donā€™t do a heavy eye roll whenever people discuss these rotten lot of tories who arenā€™t like the good, moral, decent ones like olā€™ Ken.

Never liked Ken Clarke, a friend put him right on the spot at a charity auction, never found out if he ever got the money out of him. He shook my wifes hand, looked at her name badge, realised it was a foreign surname (born in the UK though) and wiped his hand afterwards. Facist twat.


Most people that i know who have taken up vaping have done it purely because of the ridiculous price of cigarettes,not because they want to stop smoking.Government,s have created the rise in the vaping culture by pricing most people out of buying cigarettes,the easy tax rise on cigs at every single budget has now caught up with them.

Cigarette taxing is good, need to fund the health service in order to pay for the smokers who need it more than most. The fact that so many weak willed people find it necessary to smoke or vape is amazing, doing something that damages health and putting up a stupid argument for doing so is bonkers, mind you 52% of the UK able to vote are stupid.