Variant Omicron & Others

Seemingly not just the NHS, given that in France the “plan blanc” has been activated in 6 regions:

This has nothing to do with omicron either, just the delta variant which is still the main strain circulating in France.

It is not a good plan to encourage spread of Omicron because as we know, the virus is unstable and likely to generate more harmful variants as well as apparently less harmful ones.

So we should just rely of Pfizer et al? I was waiting to see if my friends have omicron or delta with a view to going to get omicron.

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I would avoid infection if at all possible. There’s no reason for Omicron not to keep spawning variants, just like Wuhan, delta etc.

Not good news for us as OH has to go into hospital on the 16th to see the anaesthetist on the 16th and again on the 22nd for a, hopefully, day only stay.

Yes but getting antibodies to an already mutated and quite complex version would give rise to a broader range of potential and potentially much worse variant later, its how vaccines work, small dose of something less harmful to ready the immune system for a worse attack?

Absolutely - at present. But IF it is indeed shown that Omicron doesn’t cause serious illness, my understanding is that it could, as Corona says, inhibit more dangerous variants - and this would surely be effective for anti-vaxers as well as the vaccinated.

Good news from Dr John Campbell and possibly for our Helen as GSK have a non Rna plant based vaccine on test.

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I’ve taken to watching Dr John every day and one of my daughters too….

Whilst she’s chosen not to take any of the vaccines at present she has been sending Dr John’s link to many of her friends about aspiration and that can only be a good thing…

Edited to add….it will be one to watch…

Does this maybe need a slight correction Geof…??? Who exactly are the “anti-vaxxers”

Are they the doubly/triply/quadruply vaccinated as well as those now classed as unvaccinated as they are unable/unwilling to take a second or third or fourth dose because they were injured by the first or second…???

I noticed the definition of “anti-vaxxer” also changed recently….

But yes I agree with both of you it seems it’s a much milder dis-ease….vaccinated or not vaccinated…

There is a big difference between those who flatly refuses to trust vaccines despite the overwhelming evidence that they work and the tiny minority who have been made ill after having one and are now ‘hesitant’.

So, I have listened to this Dr John’s you tube report and it is purely an opinion piece by one of many who enjoy feeling important and putting footage on you tube and elsewhere. Giving opinions for believers to hang their hat on, just as those who read a horoscope and see that virgo or Leo is exactly them.
Only time will prove how dangerous, or not, omicron will be.
Vaccines have been proven to protect and those who choose not to are a danger to themselves and even worse, to me and you.

From another thread, the words of @DrMarkH which that echo my thoughts far better than me:

Others less so in my view, particulalrly those libertarians who place their personal ‘rights’ above those of their fellow citizens, and even more so when such people choose to belive some person on the internet, rather than trying to do proper research from reliable sources. When I taught first year Open University students, one of the first things they learned was how to identify and distinguish reliable and less reliable sources of information. Unfortunately, most antivaxers lack this skill/


Re-an opinion piece by one of many who enjoy feeling important and putting footage on you tube and elsewhere.

This is your opinion and you are of course entitled to it. I find it very irritating that you state it as fact. I believe this man works tirelessly to educate online just as he has done for years in his medical teaching role.


As you rightly say, it is my opinion, nowhere have I stated it as fact?

And you are entitled to it however you are not putting up any information or opinion so you are just another noise. The opinion of the doctor is from around the world studies, trials of drugs and meta data whereas you are just playing at being a critic with no knowledge or data.
But you are entitled to that for what its worth.


Pot kettle black for sure!

Really, you think Dr John Campbell has no knowledge or data? At least I post the information from good sources,

“it is purely an opinion piece by one of many who enjoy feeling important and putting footage on you tube and elsewhere. Giving opinions for believers to hang their hat on,”

From actual data and from actual doctors in Oslo that dealt with the cases in point. From an actual doctor with years of medical experience and gained worldwide.

You on the other hand, no counter offerings from reliable doctor sources just your dull opinion based on someone who also posts to feel what exactly? Your pointless noise doesnt further debate or add any perspective to the topic.

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Dr John, like us all, collates data and gives an opinion based on findings. Opinions are owned by those who give them as to what might happen or how they think it happened. Facts are historical.

Those so blind!
I will spell it out, you need to look closer to home, as I said, pot kettle black.


Yawn :persevere: you are still not adding to the debate, you are just being pointless. Although now you are accepting the reporting of information, data, facts.
Bring something, even humour to to topic.

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