Vic Evans

Sorry Ian. In accordance with the SFN terms and conditions, Both parties were beheaded.

Vic is Vic, love him or loathe him - he's a grumpy old git who speaks his mind, end of.

If we ask Catharine and James politely to ask Vic to come back, having served his sinbin time, we can return to normal. After all I think he was reacting to another person, who is also no longer a member and who I am sure was a troll.

Yes, quite right Carol.


I agree with you on that point Peter,let us hope Vic will be allowed back and that Vic will AGREE to Côme back.

You were well beyond help long ago my dear !


That's very cryptic, Peter...leads to all sorts of obscure reflexions.

Not a surprise really, the love affair between vic and the owners of this site had to end in tears one day.

He didn't 'scarper' Ian. Hopefuly common sense will prevail and he will be allowed back. Every forum needs a Vic...

Really lan that is a shame,i enjoyed reading his messages,even if we didn’t always agree on certain subjects.

Gone from the members list, Carol :(

Why did he scarper if he has started a new thread Grumpy Gits etc?

I am sure he will be back very soon.

I searched the Members list - does look like Vic's scarpered :(

That can't be a good thing....

Ah - hope it's a blind - SFN needs Vic !

Yes I saw that too but a membership check gives a null return.

He was on here yesterday, doing the Grumping about black squares and so on...