Was Mrs. Hussey really racist?

I suspect you are misunderstanding what I was trying to say…
I was simply pointing out how things can happen, quite innocently… and, for one reason or another (equally innocently) , have serious repercussions… :roll_eyes:

Really, you know for a fact that “they have been taken out of the equation” and that they were the cause of your son’s friend’s unemployment?

Seems to me that it’s best NOT to discuss this subject any further…
cooking beckons and there is no risk of misunderstandings in my kitchen… hurrah. :+1: :+1:


Well the buses aren’t coming any more and he started work at the beginning of last year. But sorry I forgot we’re not allowed to disagree with you.


Dinner time.

Where’s the cheese….

Anything Harry and Megan don’t agree with, I’m for :joy:. Notwithstanding that the whole Royal firm is full of work-shy freeloaders, IMHO there is only one thing the Sussex two are interested in :money_mouth_face:.

As for Husseygate… daft old bat encounters woman with an agenda sums it up for me :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


as the aubergine said to the mandoline

Sorry, is that a new rule, wish someone had let me know about it.

Of course you are allowed to disagree with anyone, what you don’t have is a right to assume they are suddenly going to change their opinion in your favour.

Your post was thinly veiled racism, nothing more.

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of course you can - you just need to back it up with fact, references and evidence… :wink:

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I don’t expect you to change your opinion I am just sick of people refusing to accept that maybe some others actually saw a benefit from brexit. I am disgusted that you are calling me racist for simply making an observation.

Actually I find Billy a lot more agreeable.


Fort minable :roll_eyes:
I very strongly disagree with your sentiment. Behave!

There is only one way this is going to end. :grinning:

What cheese is everyone having for apero? I found a lovely one today with dried fruit in it. My husband says the idea is disgusting. All the more for me!


Hubby is correct.


Hubby can have dry biscuits

garibaldi (including the “dead flies”) :slightly_smiling_face:


Garibaldi are one of those things I can’t make up my mind about :thinking:

I adore them! What I don’t like are Fig Newtons. Mind you, quite nice with Stilton

Rich Tea the poor mans Garibaldi (sans flies)

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