
knowing how big France is and how difficult it can sometimes be to find produce that are readily available in UK supermarkets ( This is not a moan) I am more than happy with what I can and can’t buy.

I am planning a dinner for some close friends from the UK on New Year’s Eve,and I need some watercress for one of the courses. So I would be most grateful if any members in the Pau or Tarbes area sees any to let me know where so I can trot over and buy. It is for a consommé so if I buy early I can freeze and re clarify on the day.

Thank you

I found some at last in local supermarket. So stock made vac packed and frozen ready for my New Year’s Eve dinner

Often get watercress at our local market in Mirande (Thurs and Sat). There’s a fruit and veg stall outside next to the East side door to the Halle, near Sue, the British stall holder. It’s very good quality too. Can’t guarantee of course that they will have some there every week…


This guy farms watercress and could be found at the Pau market hall in the section reserved for producers Tuesday through Saturday. Worth seeing if he's still there or if there might be other suppliers.

Thank you,I,m not sure where my nearest is but I will check it out

Bryan, my wife said she saw cresson in our local Hyper U yesterday so there's a chance you'll find it at the nearest one to you.

I am a chef and sorry it’s not even close

Will do when is available

Personally, I think mache is rather bland and nearly tasteless. Land cress has a very similar hot tang that watercress has. Give it a try.

Mache isn't watercress, it's lamb's tongue or cornsalad and grows in soil, not water. Watercress is cresson and may be more difficult to find. That said, mache might be a reasonable substitute but you'd have to ask a chef!

It’s widely available in most supermarkets. Look in the chilled cabinets along with the bagged salad. It’s called ‘mache’.

Too late for New Year but have a think about this for the future. We grow and eat loads and it's very similar to water cress.


