We Demand Sovereignity! We Demand that our Parliament has the power to make decisions that protect the rights, well being and security of Britons


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Funny how Brexiteers only want sovereignty when it suits them.


I’d just like any Brexiteer to define what sovereignty means to them and how it affects them on a daily basis. I can only assume it must be very different to the dictionary definition :scream::scream::scream:

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What does it mean to you Simon.

Got it in one.

Here’s another strange take on sovereignty. Talking about the Tory Julian Knight.

If there is a second referendum it will be because the British Parliament has decided to follow that course of action. Why is he suggesting that a decision made by the British Parliament for the population of Britain would be a dishonourable tradition of the EU Parliament in Brussels? The British Parliament is not being overruled by the EU it is using its position of sovereignty to make decisions. Isn’t that what was wanted? More smoke and mirrors. More shifting the blame when there’s no blame to shift, just the British Parliament exercising the rights that it has and has always had. Pathetic.

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Well I agree it is likely to deepen tensions but I really can’t see how Brussels has anything to do with us holding a 2nd referendum.

This whole fiasco has been mired with attempts to deny parliamentary sovereignty, probably because there has never been a majority in parliament to leave so May has realised she has to side step parliament to have any chance of driving Brexit through.

Deep runs the irony.

Absolutely nothing at all - never given it a second thought my whole life!!:stuck_out_tongue::stuck_out_tongue::stuck_out_tongue:

And you Toad?

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The referendum, has shine a light on a European wide aggressive Socialist / liberal movement.
Has shown how deeply entrenched they are across the political parties with allegiance to none but their own collective agenda.
The referendum was untimely for them, it has allowed us to glimpse the future.
Brexit will probably fail, but I think it will have been for the good.

The future may see “Brexit” was Europe’s Dunkirk

Not just the left.
The far right is just as guilty.

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Very ‘interesting’ but…what does sovereignty mean to you Toad? How will sovereignty change after Brexit? Come on - do share… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Be brave - be the first to answer the question… :wink: It’s a bit like those elusive pesky European ‘rules / legislation’ that allegedly get in our way every day :thinking::thinking::thinking:


Surely everyone has an agenda and being liberal and open to all people from everywhere has got to be for the good. The agenda of many rich politicians seems to be to mould the UK for their own gain whether financial or political, often both, with no care given to the rest of us. How else do we explain the huge gap between rich and poor and the cruel almost Victorian attitude of universal credit, bedroom tax and lack of investment in housing.

I’m not sure that is true…
Iain Dunkin-Donut is not my favourite person, I admit but his vision of UC is not flawed.
What is flawed is the way the Conservatives raided the pot, starving the scheme of vital funding leaving little choice in the progression of UC roll-out.

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Agree with both points.

"The future may see “Brexit” was Europe’s Dunkirk "
What do you mean by that?

" The referendum, has shine a light on a European wide aggressive Socialist / liberal movement.
Has shown how deeply entrenched they are across the political parties with allegiance to none but their own collective agenda.
The referendum was untimely for them, it has allowed us to glimpse the future."

What does this actually mean?

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Well Dunkirk was a huge defeat that has always been regarded as a victory by the British. I’m sure that some people view Brexit in a similar way.

I feared that might be the answer :confused:


The promises regarding Brexit do seem to have gone downhill somewhat since the Nirvana (in some peoples view) that was promised back in 2016 to the suggestions that are now being made by the same people.

Now the suggestions of “stocking up” for medicines and even food are perhaps a better indication of the reality.

It would appear that if you offer a menu with dodo fillet steak with shavings of unicorn horn - somebody will order it.

History is already showing that the outright lies spouted during the referendum were entirely deliverable. There are many clips from interviews being shown that demonstrate the ludicrous suggestions of “easy” trade deals etc.

I would hope (but I very much doubt that it is the case) that politicians may be a little less prone to lying in future - and yes I would like my Dodo fillet steak À Point

For heaven sake bring on another referendum so this nonsense can be killed off.