Weather warnings and complications

One minor consequence of the heatwave is that my soft-boiled breakfast egg needs about 20 seconds less to reach firm white and runny yolk perfection (never kept in the fridge, but are always in the shade - interesting the diff a few extra degrees make.

Thanks Warren. The forecast for Autun is 38 tomorrow too, but we’re a little higher here, and I’m hoping we stay at least a little cooler. Found out today about a swimming lake at Anost, and we might head there in the afternoon.

At some stage we’re going to drop by to say hi, I promise.

Interesting. I’m sure that it’s as you say, and the slightly higher temperature inside is what’s reducing the time.

Heavy rain forecast for Tuesday night!

Please, please, please, :pray: :pray: :pray:

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Is the traditional music festival still held there? We used to travel to it every year. Bit of a climb up the hill from the campsite though. Music was all around in the village, in the streets and restaurants. Also in the campsite too as many of the performers camped there. :joy:

Back to swimming lakes, we have 2 within 20 kms of here, the smaller one is only 10 minutes away, but we found that all the advantage gained from a cool swim was lost completely by the sweaty journey back home again in the car. Which is why I dug my own in the garden. If you have the space, get yourself a mini-pelle. :wink: :rofl:

I don’t know - yet. They did have music on Saturday after Fet Nat, but we’d only just arrived and wanted a quiet first evening.

Looking at several weather forecasts for the heat which may hover over my rooftop today, in Charente Maritime, it varies from 40°C to 43°C.

Managed to get 20 minutes’ worth of mowing done before 8.30am – feel I’ve got something done today, because I shan’t be taxing myself physically any further until the temperature gets back to something normal!

Same here, already in the mid 20s. Sitting around after doing chicken and cat maintenance. Now waiting for 14 tonnes of gravel to be delivered. Spreading will have to wait…

Feel sorry for the riders in the Tour de France having to pedal in the heat.

Ideas for keeping cool:
Take an ice cube and wrap it in cotton wool and wipe it round the back of one’s neck, inside of elbow and wrists.
Shut curtains / windows / shutters early
Take a cool shower and don’t dry off
Watch the film One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
Do puzzles showing snow scenes

Just a thought. :slight_smile:


They’re being allowed to take on food and drink up to last 10km, they are water spraying the road ahead of them to stop tarmac melting, the cut off time has been increased to 20%, and they can throw away their bidons anywhere (means they don’t have to go back and forth to collect them as much).

Love the Tour, but environmentally friendly it is not!

Already 34.5 in the shade here!

Jane, environmentally friendly it is, very but these are exceptional conditions. The organisers will have teams checking the route to pick up any discarded stuff but much of it is grabbed as souvenirs by the public.

I suspect that the roadside crowds are much muckier than the Tour riders.

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Ask a local when you are there, they will know, it takes over the whole village. But if you don’t like Celtic music at least you’ll know when to avoid. :wink: :joy:

Fran’s aide de toilette said this morning that we are due for 45c today and she said 50 in Provence. 32 here by the pond at 10.30, and that is the coolest spot in our house and garden. Water was 20 but will be 21 soon, as it was yesterday.

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Celtic and music in the same sentence. :smile:

I jest a little, having played in a ceilidh band occasionally, but I’m really a rocker at heart and the nearest my taste gets to Celtic is Thin Lizzie.

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3pm and almost 39 degrees in the shade, might touch 40 degrees by 4pm. Altitude 360 metres.


actually 4pm, clock thinks it’s still winter! Wind feels like a hairdryer outside!

16.30 hours and 40 degrees, a record breaking day.


Are you in 24?