Well, we never expected that..... The PM was heard to mutter to Hancock

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Happy Christmas Tim. :zipper_mouth_face:

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To click or not? :thinking: :wink: :christmas_tree:

What do we understand by democracy? What is the agenda, objective? The ignorant “pats” abandoned in the UK are unable to recognize political incompetence and “collective intelligence” at the ballot is Cambridge Analytica ringing Pavlov’s bell. But, If the EU is so good why do economic migrants risk their lives in open boats to reach the UK?
There are two overwhelming objectives for all nations. Manage the pandemic and re-vitalize the economy. Achieving those objectives requires co-operation. Co-operation requires respect. Remind me of the outcome of Aesop’s wind and sun parable. Respect is not bullying. Ask a Hong Kong resident for their opinion.
There was a documentary “Deep Fakes” on TV this week. It makes Russian doctoring of photographs (now you see him, now you don’t) amateurish. The guaranteed outcome from poking holes in a sieve is that the sieve breaks and the whole of democracy falls through, Nothing of value is retained.

Thanks for that John. All opinions welcomed :slightly_smiling_face:

Because it is so easy to live under the radar and work in a sweatshop on a zero hours contract but earn hard currency.


And the language Véro. That’s a very large factor.

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People that ask this question rhetorically have generally neither asked the immigrants themselves, nor read any of the many accounts or surveys that answer the question.
In fact, in addition to the reason you mention Véronique the two most common reasons are

  1. They already have relatives or other contacts in the UK that can help them, or
  2. They already speak English (as I see John has mentioned).

None of these reasons ave anything to do with the EU - but in any case the fact is that far more immigrants stay in EU countries than try to reach the UK. France, for example, has taken in over 3 times as many UNHCR recognised refugees as the UK - Germany nearly 10 times as many.