What do you do to "calm down"?

I listen to this, which is one of my favourites with the spoken version.


Bach Cello Suites.


Jane - do you have a link ?

I listen to Pink Floyd and then go and kick the cat! :scream_cat::scream_cat: Only joking, music and painting are great calmers ā€¦


I keep my head down & avoid peopleā€¦
but I may try the ā€œFloyd / cat comboā€ in future.



Drink beer :beer::beer::beer::beer:


Youā€™ve lost me Simonā€¦what kind of place is this :slight_smile: ?


Just look for them on You Tube.
I have my own CD.

LOL! Specifically designed for self-flagellation - itā€™s amazing Bob!! Absolutely does the trick :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face:

Honestly though - Iā€™ve avoided them most of my adult life, had a few memberships and thrown money down the drain.

Last May I saw a picture of me on a beach looking like a beached whale and decided to take action - boring stuff like diet and exercise but, this time itā€™s really worked and I feel pretty much sanctimonious :wink:

So now, 17kg lighter and much fitter I bloody love going to the gym - mostly cardio stuff, great value, met new people. I get a bit twitchy if I donā€™t go - canā€™t believe it lol :smile: First time in my life Iā€™ve actually felt good about myself.


Itā€™s a sort of ā€œstill lifeā€ā€¦ 'cos if you get to walk out after a session thereā€¦ youā€™ve ā€œstill lifeā€ left in you (although it may be well hidden :slight_smile: )


Work in the garden, sit in the garden watching the chickens, go for a solitary walk.


ā€œCalm downā€ is rather emotive, but I know what you mean. A 5km run sorts me out perfectly.

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As I am (very slowly!) recovering from a knee injury and have been unable to do any form of exercise (or anything really!) for four months now, Iā€™ve been on a bit of an emotional seesaw, and have found the Calm app extremely helpful!

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When I was ill and housebound my sister from Australia came over. She put the archers on my I pad ā€¦ totally addicted
She also put bbc stories Linkā€¦ brilliant .currently listening to a Hercules poirret agatha Christie story .
Relax in room, fan on , in dark and just relax and fall asleep, only problem is remembering at which point you fell asleep for the following evening :joy::joy::joy::blush::blush::blush::blush:

Long time ago found the only place to go to be able to escape from the worst of ā€˜the worldā€™ is reconnecting with the source of ?energy? I came from.


Iā€™m sure someone wrote about painting, a few days ago, perhaps it was you? I canā€™t find it. :dizzy_face:

Youtube has a good selection.

Oh, and avoiding SWMBO also works!
