What has brightened your day? -ongoing thread

Three gloriously day brightening things today.

  1. realised today…I could deliver 2 heaps of bottles/jars etc to the verre recyclage, by doggie remorque.!!
    I had imagined they would be too heavy a load, but only one short bit of hill proved too much for my e-bike,
    All the rest, sunny leafy lanes, bowling along, top speed, talking to the cows and horses etc as I passed.
    What a ride!
  2. Didn’t want to go straight home, so sped past my turning, and on to the village with the best caff. Very smiley lady there, never minds anything, always kind, she keeps my box of instant cappuccino, under the counter, so I can have my favourite drink, with granola biscuits any time… Filled up the empty remorque again, this time with groceries, fruit, fresh bread and butter, for breakfast. Big brown eggs, and bio cidre. Never lived so well!
  3. Brainwave! Found a pressure washer/sprayer, Cdiscount, big bargain, it will work as a high pressure shower, for me, a deluxe human-carwash, much more efficient than the river pump, recently defunct. Ace!

I never thought of you as a perv b4 this post. Now I will look for clues… You have to know for yourself! And watch out for archaic sexist speak of the 50s.

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James pressure washed me when it was really hot a couple of weeks back, worked a treat!

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Cat…:joy:…must be so much nicer too, having a hunky bloke to help out!
But the long ago dream of a power shower with full installation/ plumbing costs, has lost all the charm it ever had!
I love finding ultra cheap alternatives!

There you go Jeanette…present for you :gift:


Trying to teach an old dog new tricks? 樂

Envoyé depuis l’application Mail Orange

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I think you are in the Dordogne?
Wouldn’t work here in a cool bit of Brittany.
! Im not SO sure of that …that I could resist setting up a test…so I’ve got a 5litre plastic bottle of eau, wrapped in black…in the only bit of potential sun there is. But its dark and rainy now. Hopes are not high!

I know about solar power in shade…and yes, I know it can work pretty well, however…Here in a river valley (tiny) in deep shade, with a cliff that someone told me will landslip onto me and the cat and the house, one day, woodland all around,…there’s never been any hyper hot weather, yet.

There are mountains of useful tips on www, but finding the exactly right, personal solution, takes information and research, I haven’t got.

BUT…the beauty of my hobo stove/mini portable element heated, pressurised pump action shower, will be…
It will work for everyone!
The spray pump is 12 euros.

Inside my house, that has no water supply, and no shower at present…my ‘invention’ if all goes to plan…may keep me as a clean and fresh old granny, for the next decade…IF I last that long.

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Hi Jeanette :wave:t3:
I would love to see you on youtube making your bucketshower. :shower: I bet it would be hundred times better than the one I posted.
You’d probably trend and become an overnight sensation. :grin:
The idea of showering in the open, au naturel, is very appealing… but I can see your point about Brittany, even here in the Dordogne I would limit this to a summer activity. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


mm…:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:… I might one day get stuck into one of those horrific Life Skills/Being Wonderful Vid things …but especially for Fogies.
I’m sick to death of the beastly vids that give ancient peeps advice about how to fix false eyelashes, wigs, bum enhancers etc, so we can all look like Very Hot Pantomime Dames…ready for romance, after 65…

I don’t want to sprinkle warm water on the bucket-shower idea as illustrated by the ‘hunk’ in the video. But hanging a heavy metal bucket way out on a very slim branch, and five feet or so directly over one’s head seems foolhardy to me.

As is hitching the rope over a branch without a pulley (to eliminate friction on rope or branch and make pulling safer) unwise, to say the least. And making it fast on a chicken-wire fence?! :anguished:

I reckon Jeanette’s cheap pressure pump is a better option all round.

I’d sooner ladle water over myself out of a bucket with a small saucepan, much safer and less hassle IMO.

Male brain 0 - Female ♀brain 2 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Haha! Peter! I’m very confident right now! The thing hasn’t arrived yet…
It will need some adjustment, probably, because its one of those pressure pumps for spraying weeds, and will no doubt fire water in all the wrong directions.
A video could be a lark. :grin:


Quite so. And it would.

Just the ticket, those pressure pumps, but getting the wand at the right angle to do your back would take a little time to get right, perhaps.

It’s just ergonomics, dear reader, not perv that fuels my interest in this topic. :bouquet::innocent:


Well spotted Peter and very observant of you. Aided by your binoculars, no doubt! image

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What has brightened my day today… finally getting HOME :hugs: after 10 days abroad. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Phew… I’ve promised myself not to do anything so foolish for a long, long time.


Nothing wrong with “abroad” it just depends where? …now you can make a cuppa put your feet up and relax :relaxed:

I have not enjoyed 10 days abroad. Thus, finally walking through our front door, into the friendly interior of our home… phew - fabulous.

Much too hot for tea - possibly a chilled glass of something nice… :wink:


Now you’re talking!!:clinking_glasses:

I must have Indian genes, there’s nothing I like better on a hot day than a cooling cup of freshly brewed Assam :coffee: aaaaaaah! :pray:


I need to relax before sorting out the water supply, which has been sitting for 10 days…

I plan to fill the watering can and salvage the plants, little by little… but am too whacked at the moment…

the fridge holds chilly delights …:upside_down_face:

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Peter, very interested in that comment as…yes…if its about the shift between 40s to 50s to 60s, and trashing ancient ways to communicate…My epiphany was reading a bit of xyz thoughts of the Buddha? Maybe, can’t remember who…
Someone asked a bunch of monks how they managed to live in such peace and harmony with young nubile virgins. I’m sorry to have lost the quote.
The monks, or was it The Buddha himself? said,…
*no problem, the girls must be thought of as beloved sisters, always.
Never just trash with flash to get a leg over’.

There are many religious and other communities who keep the same peace, tagging each other ‘brother’ and ‘sister’… I loved that, and resolved, for ever more, to think of Everyman, every bloke, as a little brother, every woman, as my sister…
Brother Sun and Sister Moon…

Et ellu è bellu e radiante cum grande splendore:
de Te, Altissimo, porta significatione.

Laudato si, mi Signore, per sora Luna e le stelle:
in celu l’ài formate clarite et pretiose et belle.

Such a far cry from the groping sixties, (as I remember that time.
Pretty Horrible…)when Jimmy Saville et al were newly heroic, not at all like Francis of Assisi…:fearful:

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