What has brightened your day? -ongoing thread

They are ears!

I have heard the news of the local councils and it seems a plague on both your houses.
Bath and North East Somerset, Rees Mogg ground, has gone to the Liberals.

There I was doing an “end of the day” tidy up out the front of the house…and a youngster (7) passed by on one of those electric self-balancing thingies…

He stopped to say hello and asked what I was doing… I showed him the empty snail shells and dead leaves, all in a pile ready for the dustpan… he wanted the snail shells and offered me a go on his machine, by way of a fair exchange. :hugs:

I solemnly thanked him for the offer, but declined… so he treated me to a show of all his “best tricks”… and I handed over the shells…

Marché conclu … :hugs::hugs::hugs:


Of course! So tiny and cute! :hugs::heart_eyes:

Finally after 3 years discovering how to turn the water off to the back of the house…x :slight_smile:

On two water supplies here…one from a local syndicate to the kitchen and boiler and the other from SAUR…

My partner (still living in UK) has been worrying every winter about pipes freezing outback…I’ve tried to allay his fears by lighting candles in the bathroom every sub-zero night which have worked fine…but last week he fathomed it out and along with finding the stop tap to shut the water off to the bathroom…we also found this beauty…x :slight_smile:


It’s a Fire Salamander isn’t it?

What a day ! Super village wedding, followed by a christening… whole place packed with happy people.

and to top it all - my neighbour has popped a huge slice of her special walnut gateau onto our adjoining wall… mmm… goes down a treat with a chilled snifter on the side. :hugs::hugs:


Almost still can’t believe it! Many thanks to Vero, and everyone who added anything at all to my cds whinge. including those who expressed disapproval, as, being perverse by nature, I tend to be more productive when under pressure to pissoff …and found all the info, at last.
Today is the first day of my life, when I don’t need to think about moving on, or out, of anywhere!
Really German, and really European, so, for me its OK.
Wish as much for everyone.
Not too late to attempt to do something wonderful.
Thank you to Cat and James and every S-eFFer!


Ich freue mich sehr für Dich, liebe Freundin ! Bleib immer ruhig. :hugs::grinning:

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Danke lieber Kumpel!
Man muß noch Chaos in sich haben, um einen tanzenden Stern gebären zu können!!!
Fred Nietzsche.


Du sprichst (wie unser alte Fred) die Wahrheit dieses Lebens. :hugs:

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🙆. !! Mich, Fred und Jo G. !! Und denken Sie daran, begrüßen Sie NIEMALS einen einzigen Moment menschlicher Existenz mit den Worten “Verweile doch, du bist so schön”. !!! :fearful:

“Alles hat ein Ende nur die Wurst hat zwei, jawohl mein Schatz, es ist vorbei, doch Du müsst nicht traurig sein…” :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Vielleicht mein liebste, ernste Abschiedslied. :slightly_frowning_face::grin:


What has brightened your day? -ongoing thread

Small Talk
Not this!! :joy:
Ps please have a good sense of humour before flagging this post! :stuck_out_tongue:
PPS Jeanette you know I love you… Peter can’t say the same 'cos I think you’d probably stalk me!
Not that you are a perv or anything…:hushed: lol


Fabelhaft! I am so happy for you :smiley:

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Yet again l feel like l have left the room only to return to find my universe has become a Salvidor Dali painting - don’t get me wrong l love surrealism but this is pushing the envelope to new heights​:expressionless::expressionless::expressionless:

Nothing wrong with that. Here’s one of my favourites Swans reflecting elephants ( I love the melting clocks too)

Gorgeous painting isn’t it a shame that all that ’ banksy’ crap has become so popular​:weary::weary::weary:

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The like is for the gorgeous painting bit you posted. Banksy is very talented but not all his work is to my taste.
PS Just opened up a new Topic 'cos of your reply. I hope everyone will add their favourite painting I really do love an image that moves me and is thought provoking…

@Anglozone purrs… :heart:

“Peter can’t say the same 'cos I think you’d probably stalk me! Not that you are a perv or anything”:hushed: lol

I’m tempted to frame that attestation of belief in my non-pervyness to hang on my wall, Tracey, but (welcome as it certainly is) it might carry a little more weight and heft if you could gather a half-dozen or so endorsements from others…? :thinking::roll_eyes::pensive:

Oh well, it was worth a try… :hugs::joy:

Brightened my day, though! :stars: