What is a "pont" when talking about a 4x4 car?

I have noises coming from the back of my Honda CRV, the garage tells me it is the "pont" but I have no idea what that would be in English. It is the mechanism that transmits power to the back wheels when in 4x4 mode. Cany anyone help with a translation ?


Completely understand Tony, it's years ago I had my own garage and as you say the more electronic they become the less mechanic they need as now they are all technicians but even main dealers employ part swapers partly because the basics are not understood as in the Merc sensor swap in my post it's easier to bill a customer for a part than explain time spent. I notice in the A class and on Renault scenics the dashboard contains the computer so they change out dashboards these days. The engines are far more reliable these days if serviced regularly but there are so many sensors for this and that so the problems seem to shift elsewhere. Now if they could fit cam belt sensors that may save a good few engines from an early death although a fair number are now going back to chains.

Ok, Steve these are parts that have to be replaced. Usually they are coming between 150.000 - 250.000 km. Basically most reliable 4X4's have been produced between 1985 & 1995, then came the SUV's with computerized engine- & suspension management. Try a older Land Rover TDi.

In the past 12 months she has had 2 new front shocks, an alternator, a battery and numerous visits to Honda to trace what turned out to be a dodgy contact on the wiring harness. I really like her as a car but when I get funds I'll be looking at a replacement.

Steve, keep your ears on the box ;-) New synthetic oil has a higher burning point, - but till next spring I suppose you have your peace. You actually have time to find the same model which have had an accident. These little Hondas are really worth to be looked after, then they run for decades.

This was the plan of the industry: the dealer should be able to receive a monopoly for his region. There is a big difference of a mechanic and a engineer.

Because people confuse real engineers with fitters. Fitters are just that, fit part. Engineers (rare) systematically diagnose problems. Fitters fit a part get paid, if it doesn't cure it blame something else fit another new part, still doesn't cure it blame something else fit another new part so a great income stream.

Trained diagnostic engineer takes a day or more to diagnose so very high labour cost but part might only be small and cheap, customer feels robbed. No win scenario.

Recently the rely's had a problem with car, fitter said sensor shows the engine is too hot, so through away perfectly good sensor (doing it's job correctly) and fit a new sensor, oh that shows it's overheating too, no sh*t sherlock maybe a thermometer to check the temperature first? nope that way they sell more parts. Turned out to be a thermostat not opening fully but an honest guy would make less.

Main dealers receive updates as problems are notified one reason why they are good, small local garages would have to spend days reading press reports of recalls and faults to keep up to date so stuff gets missed.

Phew good news indeed! Same people that recommended a new rear differential?

Glad to report that a fluid change has cured the problem. Local guy drained what was in there, flushed it out with some oil and drove in a few kms, then redrained it and filled it with the Honda fluid.

Thanks for all the help

On the subject of cars, which I know nothing about.

We have a Jeep which is extremely old and has been in garage hospital

without carte vitale.

The last problem was a sluggish rodeo like experience where the car

would loose power and virtually collapse. We were told by 2 garages that

it was the petrol from Le Clerc......well.

After taking the car to someone by recommendation there are still signs

of the symptoms.

A few days ago something comes via registered post from Jeep in France...

A recall.

Our recommended contact suggests that the communication is some kind of scam

Why would you get a recall on a 17 year old car?

So I called the Jeep experts Marlbourogh in West London ....having been there for services

and a recall when we live in UK and they said ....yes Jeeps are being recalled all the time.

So....having been called by the Jeep dealers in Bordeaux we are off to have the work carried out

next week.

Something to do with the pumping of the petrol....sounds logical...in a way.

Wondering why the none of the garage people would have spotted the prob?

Thanks John. The noise is there when I turn in either direction. I'll print your reply off and do my best to translate it for when I get to see the guy later on.

Steve when you turn? both directions or just one?

The main point of wear on back axles are the wheel barings as these take the side load when cornering but sound can easily be transmitted along the shaft to sound as if originating elswhere. There are also further thrust bearings located in the castings outside the differential and also constant velocity joints on the shafts themselves all capable of making the sound you describe without the cost of a complete new differential which in France I would expect to make the CRV uneconomically repairable.

I just looked at a cutaway diagram of the CRV rear axle and in true Honda style it looks very well built so unless proper testing has been carried out (DTI clock to test side load movement) the usual wear parts descibed above is where I would look first

No Steve it's far too much work. Your garagiste is right a recon box is a much better option. It should also have the benefit of a guarantee,albeit a limited one


I know as much about mechanics as my garage guy knows about PCs so each to his own. Will wait and see what he comes up with in terms of a price for a reconditioned unit, he doesn't really want to take the old one apart.

Its not a clunk, more of a low frequency grinding noise when I turn.

Garage is getting prices for a reconditioned diff as well as spare parts, he has told me that it will work out cheaper for me to do a swap rather than a repair. When I see him Monday I will ask about changing the oil.

Thanks for your help

Yes Steve, Tony is right, its the diff. Do not take it a part. Get a complete new one. It is easy to change and you have you peace of mind. These little Hondas basically are very reliable and are worth to do such repair to a mileage of ca 300.000 km. Such problem occurs actually very seldom and be careful when you take 4X4 out and drive immediately reverse. Sometimes the knock on the smallest sprocket of the diff is too strong!

When I took the page I printed off the site that David gave me to the garage the guy did say the full name was "pont differentiel".

They have already checked the oil and reckon that as the noise is only there when I turn, the problem is something inside the "pont" is worn/broken. They are checking on what solutions/parts are available and at what price. Car is 8 years old.

Thanks for that

That looks like it isn't going to be cheap!


This I think is the whole "pont".I suppose something like "rear transmission assembly" as it's got various bits and bobs including a differential.