What is it?

You are almost there… but nothing to do with a caterpillar… try again…

I’d have said the silk cocoon made by a spider for its eggs but 1-2 inches would be a spider I would not want to accidentally stumble into.

Ha ha… no, nothing to do with spiders… try again…

Praying Mantis cocoon ?


Yep… that’s it… it’s been there for some years now… we came back from shopping to find these tiny translucent “thingies” slowing climbing downwards… one climbing over the body of another… almost like making a living-ladder…

Fascinating to watch. Those that reached the ground survived but there are still some bodies which obviously got roasted/desiccated by the sun before they could make it to safety.

Grandson (5 yrs) was fascinated and so were we. We cannot destroy it… he still talks about it…


Butterfly wing?

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Yes it is Mark !

It’s a moth/papillon de unit, maybe a tiger moth

Is that the one that has brilliant colour on the underwings… ?? always such a surprise… :open_mouth:

Yes, normally orange or red

Who’s this young lad ?

The halo is missing…

Roger Moore?

It is indeed Chris.

The first person I thought of when you posted it was Dame Judy Dench😇

whoops, never mind! It’s already solved.

Already guessed so I retract my answer. Ooops. These are coming a bit thick and fast now so I’m losing track.

You are not alone… :slightly_smiling_face: I blame the heat… and in the winter, I will blame the cold… :relaxed::wink:

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This is a bit tangential, as don’t have to guess what this is… But a fun video (about 2 minutes):

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