What is monespacesante?

My wife and I both have tried to get this going. No success> Besides, what is it? A replacement for ameli?

It’s the replacement for the DMP

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Obvious question, Graham - never heard of DMP. Is the intention for an individual to build up themselves a medical dossier? I seem to recall monespacesante, when I eventually got in, wanted ME to fill in all my medical history since birth. I have a job remembering to take my comprimes each day, let alone recalling just when it was that I sprained my shoulder. Was it 1988 or 89?

I am certainly not going backwards! However some of my doctors put things on it, as do the pharmacy. And one day when it rains I will add critical bits and pieces so it is there in case of emergency.

The DMP never really got off the ground, so hopefully this will do better. I am having a tetanus booster soon (polio/diphtheria) and my GP said she would do the necessary so I have a vaccination record here - which I don’ at the moment.

basically, yes. As JJ has said, the DMP never really got off the ground in the way expected as doctors seemed reluctant to load info up to it (for whatever reason). For medecins (or other health care practitioners) to access the data, there needed to be individual approval, which rarely was requested which also did not help the cause.
On a personal basis, we scan every document - convocation notifications, blood test results, reports from consultations, hospital discharge reports etc and upload them at a convenient point. The pharmacie usually upload ordonances and all of this serves as useful personal reference - but sadly - at the moment - that’s where it ends.
On the plus side, we do provide each health care professional with an updated list of the other services we are in contact with and they do seem to be included then in the dissemination of reports as a consequence but that is, in the main, as a result of our own initiative and nothing to do with the DMP.

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I created my space last night - without problems other than the usual security rigmarole - it only has my covid certificate on it - otherwise yes it looks like we have to upload everything (if we want to).

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If you only created you space last night how do you expect there to be any other info. Speak to your Doc and see if he is interested in filling it out. Our Doc uploads everything as we sit in the consulting room, as does the Chemist and the Nurses.

Lucky you!

Our consultations never last less than forty minutes because our doctor not only types with one finger, but pauses between each keystroke to look for the next letter on the keyboard. If he had to scan and upload anything, people might have to spend several days in the waiting room

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Bet he manages the card scanner though for the CV :grin:

Have to admit, he’s got the hang of that

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