What might be the brake light cause?

This week I had a shock behind the wheel of my car, when the orange coil shaped warning light wouldn’t stop blinking.
Ilearned that this was not necessarily a heating-plug problem, but could be related to a number of other car faults - especially brake light failure.
Lo and behold the brake lights were not working. The fuses and the bulbs seemed to be OK.
I couldn’t work it out (yes I know there is something called a brake light switch that operates to put the light on and off, and this can be at fault).
I didn’t change anything, but surprisingly enough when I was driving along a couple of days later, the problem seemed to have sorted itself out - for the moment, no flashing orange light, and a functioning brake light. Much relief. Any ideas?

Might be an idea to get the battery/charging system checked

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Many ideas but they’d all require a degree of technical knowledge and a multimeter - if you don’t possess those then I think a trip to your local friendly garagiste may be helpful.

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Could be an earthing problem around the back light area. Loose or corrosion causing an intermittant contact.


Intermittent earth connections are an absolute PITA to diagnose.

Of course, with everything being drive by wire thanks to CAMBUS systems these days, any intermittent connection can cause a host of issues.

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Last but not least it could be that the relevant fault sensor is itself is faulty.

I had the engine warning light on in my diesel Peugeot and a good deal of money - over €1k - was wasted on aspects of the anti pollution system, which diagnostics - my own gizmo and the Peugeot agency laptop - reported to be faulty.

Eventually, the garagistes here in Vire solved the problem by changing sensors. By the third sensor renewal all was fixed. No warning light and no reports of faults.