What mum and dad used to tell you

Pretty confused one. She created man in Her own image? :thinking: Better if she’d created a mirror first, or took a Selfie :wink:

You don’t really believe that ‘stuff’ Pete :rofl:

UK being officially a Christian country, we should all watch our Ps and Qs these days, Bill, “walls have ears” and people might one day end up in the slammer for not believing the Good Book.
Remember Her Maj is the Head of the Church of England, and if she believes God is a Man, best not to second-guess the Monarch.

Heads have rolled in the past. After Brexit, God alone knows what He has in store for us. Remember Noah’s Fludd? “All together now! The animals went in two by two, Hurrah!” … :scream::eagle::eagle::eagle:

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I do believe in the “Good Book”, and it’s very comprehensive,
Delia’s, Complete Cookery Course,
Classic Edition,
Published 1992.
Everything in it Works too
:+1: :yum:


Oh yes Bill. All hail Saint Delia. Love all her books.

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“if I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times”
I must have been really stupid to keep repeating the same mistake…

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Rather unbelievably my mother said to me on a number of occasions “Whatever happens, however awful, we in our family never show any emotions. It’s not done”. To be honest I can’t remember ever being hugged by her. I was at a dinner party the other day and a wasp bit me. Naturally I din’t cry out or make any fuss. It wouldn’t do. She always looked at peoples’ shoes to determine if they were socially acceptable as well.


Oh David… that does sound so sad to me…

At least I can recall one time, when my mother hugged me… I had “stayed behind” for a few weeks, to take my 11+. When I was finally delivered to our new home… she was at the front door… she hugged me and said she had missed me !! That was the one and only time she touched me in a gentle manner!.. It was so out of character, that it emblazoned itself on my memory banks… :relaxed::thinking::open_mouth:

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When God created man SHE was only practising :joy:


And practice makes perfect

Aha Mark but WHEN do we get to see the results ? :wink::dizzy_face:

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I went to a school where the discipline was more then fierce. We were beaten on bare bottoms for the slightest transgression and made to march about like soldiers from the age of seven. Chest out, stomach in, don’t slouch! on the double! The worst was an occasion when at the end of a main course 22 boys, and I was one, passed our plates down to matron. Somebody had left three broad beans. No body would own up after two requests. The headmaster, a fierce ex army officer, but only a captain which was not exactly top rank, was called and told us us that if he didn’t have an answer by 9 the next morning we would all be thrashed. Next morning nobody came forward so we were all beaten four times on naked buttocks.Wewere expected to grow into future leaders of society.

I hope you have managed to leave all that… firmly in the past… where it belongs…

Here we are in France… yippee :relaxed::relaxed::relaxed:


Schools have, rightly, been investigated and castigated for this type of historic abuse.

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Normal for teenagers, I suspect.

Certainly seems normal for mine!

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It was burnt down in the 60s. A boy died.

I find forgetting all too easy these days! Certain things don’t get leave you though. Hopefully I am not too scarred.

Quite possibly, my gentleness and warmth towards ALL children is a result of my childhood. In a crowd or gathering… more often than not… I am the one entertaining/guarding the little ones… and having the time of my life. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

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Great quick-fire repartee :+1:, Misty, you’ve missed your vocation as a stand-up (tho’ for all I know you may be wowing the locals in your-neck- of-the woods-comedy-circuit!) :grinning:

Don’t shoot Robins, if you shoot one your little fingers will drop off. Glad to say I have both my little fingers.