What optic do you prefer during excursions?

The writing in the ‘about’ section of the site makes very little sense. It has many of the hallmarks of a scam site.

Anything claiming Night Vision capability for that price is a con and/or requires the user to carry an infrared light source the size of a WW2 searchlight.

I think Elvis has left the building… :wink:

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Ok I’ve bitten. Flagged.

I liked @Shiba 's answer the best although @RicePudding 's backend gave me pause for thought.

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Thought that from the start…”optics” smacks of botspeak to me.

Or English not first language?

I just tend to cast a quick eye over them to check if they’re 25 or 35ml and move on if it’s the former. I preferred the old days when it was a quarter gill.