What Sport do you do to keep fit?

Walking is good and swimming. Neither is big strain on knees etc.

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I am coming up for my 63rd birthday and run and cycle whenever time allows but also row on the Charente twice a week with the rowing club in Cognac. I enjoy the rowing club nights as there is a lot of friendly banter with the others who are all french and find it has helped me hugely with my language and swearing skills.
Been sporty all my adult life through rugby, athletics, road running, duathlons and such like.
I enjoy the feeling of being fit and healthy.
Like a previous poster I don’t over indulge in food or drink but enjoy both.
Also in the throes of DIY installing a kitchen, shower room and bathroom which requires physical and mental energy.
Pre-France I worked full time as a personal trainer and sports massage therapist, now I do that on a part-time basis in France.

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