What was your first post on Survive France?

I tend to agree that I prefer email over all the messaging apps as a general point of view. Probably because I go back before spam was such a huge problem - but it happened and basically destroyed SMTP email and mobile phones and SMS got people accustomed to an alternative channel - remembering that in the early days of SMS it would be unusual to have email access on your phone. Fast forward 25-30 years and we have a plethora of closed platform, incompatible messaging systems. I’m not sure I’d call that progress, especially as the reason the phones  are so successful is precisely because of interoperability and global reach.

The message system in Discourse is bolted on to the main forum and feels a bit like it was done as an afterthought. “Private” messages are just forum threads to which only a small number of people have access, commonly only two.

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Or the other response of being called a Google adviser because you actually search to provide relevant references :slight_smile:


My first post was to wish bon courage to someone who is no longer a member …

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Very true, there is always someone propping up the bar who knows better, cheaper, quicker, easier or has Googled, YouTubed, looked at Wikipedia or a Facebook guru and comes back with their perfect answer which if challenged gives them a buzz but hey ho, thats how some people get their kicks.
It doesn’t take long to get the measure of such people and equally it is easy to pick out those who do have knowledge and experience of the subject under discussion and benefit from their superior knowledge and timely advice.
It takes time to learn the character and background informed knowledge of any forum member and if you are prepared to take time to do so the reward is worth waiting for.
Personally I only participate on this forum and benefit from doing so as I hope others do from me however I do read other forums as a source of amusement.


Absolutely. Some just don’t get the idea that there’s other people in the conversation, just like those who think it’s ok to be rude to lesser mortals.


Heh, I was curious what my first post was, so I just exported all my data and found this…


I so agree. Not least, knowing people’s back stories gleaned from stuff shared over the years is great for getting a measure of their mood and when they are having a tough day and not over-reacting. And also knowing when someone is just being themselves and thinking “I won’t respond to that, it’s not how I see the world” but in other aspects finding their contribution really helpful.

There are some very special, highly knowledgeable people on here, for which I am very grateful.


That’s a lovely first post, because you’re giving us background and helping us to understand what’s going on in your life. Is it interesting for you, going back and reading what you were going through at the time and how you’ve come through it and are out the other side?

I remember sitting in our kitchen gazing out at the grapevine on the terrace with a cup of tea in my hand, here on the anniversary of our moving to France and saying to the “me” of the previous year who was going through all the panic of weeks of packing, and all the admin in pages of French, and not understanding why there were delays to the move : “It’s going to be alright, You are going to be fine”. And it has been.



My first actual post (after lurking for a month and just absorbing information) was (not surprisingly) being rude about Boris Johnson in a reply to a thread on “who is the most stupid person in the Cabinet?”

…and my contributions have been downhill from there… :smiley:


@Gareth and @ChrisMann , how easy was it to do that, short of clicking on ‘Activity’ after ‘My Posts’ and scrolling down for ever that is?

Yes, it’s funny to read back now what I said 4 years ago. A lot has happened since then - including some very stressful things related to the house sale that happened immediately after posting that message (and ended up with us moving into an AirBnB and living out of a suitcase for a couple of months due to Covid).

Like you, I can look back on it with a smile now though, and although it was stressful at the time I’m glad we went through with it… No regrets on our side. :slight_smile:


I think my first post was about the French Sénat debate on the Brexit bill, giving the government emergency powers to pass laws quickly by decree to, hopefully, mitigate the consequences of a hard Brexit for British in France and French in UK. It showed a great deal of preparation by the French government for the possibility of a hard Brexit.

My second post looks to have been a charming but insistent kitten at a gîte we had stayed in.


Go to your Profile, click on Preferences, scroll down to the bottom and you will see an option called “Export your data”.

It creates a CSV file (comma separated values) which you can open in a spreadsheet program such as Excel - your posts are then listed as a table, with HTML links to each one.


Blimey, thanks, I’ll let you know how I get on. :smiley:


Instead of doing it manually, there’s an option to download a list of all your activity. It’s hidden away under the Account Preferences page. To get to it, click your profile picture → then the icon of a person:

Then click Preferences:

Lastly, scroll down until you see the Export Your Data option:

This will then allow you to download a spreadsheet showing all your activity, including what posts you made, what posts you’ve liked, etc… They include a timestamp, so I just searched for the oldest one and copied the link.

ETA: oops, just seen I was beaten to it… must type quicker :smiley:

ETA2: If you don’t have Excel installed on your PC, then you can also upload the .csv file into Google Docs.

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Thanks to you too, especially as pictures are often easier to follow than words. :wink:

Mine was a joke, so I’m off that particular hook. I like a laugh. I do like a good political debate too. I can’t call it an argument really because I’m very very very rarely wrong.


Same here. 60% of the time, I’m right every time.


Well that went as expected. Got the Excel file with a list of all the posts but then got tied up with things I couldn’t be arsed with MS, Outlook etc. etc. demanding passwords not accepted saying they would send me a code but couldn’'t check emails.

If it was vital to life and limb I might have tried harder but when they started drivelling on about clouds I gave up.

All I know is that my first post was on the 16th of July in 2020 and the category was Animals and the Topic Wireless elec.

Make of that what you will. :joy:


Ah, you live in the happy world of Microdaft Weirdows. We Macaroons are blissfully ignorant of such travails. :slight_smile: