What was your first post on Survive France?

Thanks to you too, especially as pictures are often easier to follow than words. :wink:

Mine was a joke, so I’m off that particular hook. I like a laugh. I do like a good political debate too. I can’t call it an argument really because I’m very very very rarely wrong.


Same here. 60% of the time, I’m right every time.


Well that went as expected. Got the Excel file with a list of all the posts but then got tied up with things I couldn’t be arsed with MS, Outlook etc. etc. demanding passwords not accepted saying they would send me a code but couldn’'t check emails.

If it was vital to life and limb I might have tried harder but when they started drivelling on about clouds I gave up.

All I know is that my first post was on the 16th of July in 2020 and the category was Animals and the Topic Wireless elec.

Make of that what you will. :joy:


Ah, you live in the happy world of Microdaft Weirdows. We Macaroons are blissfully ignorant of such travails. :slight_smile:


I’m afraid my first post was rather dull, talking shop:


AM, it’s probably your most informative post to date - but perhaps sadly downhill from thereon (:wink:

Though at least you can remember yours…

Undoubtedly. :stuck_out_tongue:

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My first post was to enter this competition back in February 2012.


And… Did you win?

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I looked back and discovered that my first post was arguably not my most auspicious. However I soon came to value this site as a source of intetesting and helpful information and debate, populated by knowledgeable, intelligent people.
I was also surprised to see the amount of contributions I have made. Far less than many others but far more than I had thought.


Not for the rest of us - especially at the time, in the context of what we’d been going through.


Still waiting to hear :joy:

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I think I have some bad news for you, John. You might want to sit down first though.

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Without checking my first post must have been about swimming pools :sleeping:


It appears not :slight_smile:

27 Feb 2013

OR (the day before)


I haven’t changed much :face_with_hand_over_mouth: ah yes James making a concrete work top, wonder how that is after all this time? @james

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Ha, first time I’ve seen that thread… was a fun read :slight_smile:

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I’m afraid mine was just about tax - and usually still is…

But it did seem to spawn some sort of pension encashment industry.

It was also my first post in my entire life to any forum.


Good question! Which one was it?