What's French for Halford's?

This is probably a really easy question to answer - as long as you know the answer! Where in France sells car components, like Halford’s in the UK? We need new windscreen wipers for our Zafira. I looked in Carrefour, as they had some, but they have a limited range and they don’t have a set that are right for our car. Is there a shop we should be looking out for? We’re down on the southeast coast, near Menton.


There are loads Justin, but no one leader like Halfords. Feu vert and norauto have already been mentioned then there’s roady, maxauto, leclerc have dedicated auto centres and many more or oscaro.com for online parts.

there should be something in Menton or cross the border - they might be cheaper in Italy :wink:

Thanks guys. Nice is easy enough, we go there a fair bit!


These guys resemble Halford’s : http://www.feuvert.fr/, the nearest to Menton seems to be in Nice.
Also: http://www.norauto.fr/ , but again, nearest is in Nice.
