When did I become so out of it?

The answer lies somewhere between when we moved to a sleepy village in the South of France and when we started our family I guess.

Where did this realisation come from? Spending a week in the big city of London and discovering the following:

  1. I should be drinking cactus smoothies

  2. I should be eating edamame beans

  3. I should be wearing plastic looking shoes with ridiculous heals (I haven’t worn heals in 2 years & now I’m scared to!)

  4. My kids should already be skilled in scooter riding and I should have worked out how to attach said scooter to my pushchair for when their poor little legs can’t scoot anymore (my hubby thought they were for hire in the shopping centre as all the kids seemed to have the same one, wake up dear - they all have the same one because they’ve been mass marketed on tv - thank goodness for CBeebies - no adverts, no scooters)

  5. I should be threading my eyebrows not waxing them (I’ll let them know at Marrionaud next time I go…crikey even my mum has her eyebrows threaded, I am so behind the times!)

  6. I should have an IPAD or an ITouch or an Iwhatever (not sure how these help change nappies though?)

    Still, on the wardrobe front it’s not too bad (thanks to my keen interest in UK Shopping Delivered Overseas and I was pleased to see:

  7. My Boss mac is timeless - still looking good

  8. My Celtic Sheepskin boots (think original Uggs) are still ok to wear - in fact I can even get them cleaned in one of those regal looking chairs for businessmen smiling pompously as someone else cleans their already shining shoes

  9. My coatigans are still ‘la mode’ for spring

  10. Tunics are still in fashion - great to hide that post second baby extra inch which even after extreme measures refuses to budge - perhaps the GU Cheeky Chocolate Pots I’ve rediscovered might have something to with this : )

  11. The new season is bright colours reminiscent of 1970’s or pretty florals - this is not so good as most of my clothes are neither - BUT it means I can do what I’m exceptionally good at…shopping! Now where is that credit card buried sometime in 2009 and never seen since…I think I’m going to need it.

    On second thoughts maybe I’d better go back to France, leave the credit card where it is & just be happy! Off to book my flights now…laters!


    UK Stores Delivering Overseas

You think you’re out of it - I’m off to google as I have no idea what edamame beans are or eyebrow threading - I may be some time.

@ Stephen, Yes Sir! Heals is a great shop, must check it out whilst I’m over here :slight_smile:

Well Stuart that was very thoughtful :slight_smile:
Suzanne come back down South, the sun is shinig and the birds are starting to sing :-)))))

On point N°6, I got my wife a new I-ron :wink: