Where to get secondhand items?

How lovely, right on the Loire. We are a bit further south in Bossay-sur-Claise.

Yes, Farcebook is much more appropriate than Meta!

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You need to look for shops called depot / vente

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Hi all. Just to give an update on accessing secondhand items. Thank you to those who suggested Emmäus in Cahors. What a fantastic place!! It is an absolute Aladdin’s cave. I was able to find toys, a high chair, baby walker and fire guard in preparation for my grandson’s Christmas visit - all for next to nothing. I shall be paying many more visits in the future. :blush:


Thanks for letting us know. So good to get feedback. Your message warms the cockles of my Scrooge’s heart! I LOVE bargains. One of my absolute favourite pieces of furniture is a sideboard I got from a depot near London Bridge - £30! :grin:


Try La Croix Rouge, Emmaus, for both le bon coin and for Marketplace, I never pay on line just pay cash on picking up the item.

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