Whew - What a relief!

40 years ago, backpacking in China, my money belt somehow fell off when biking at a furious pace through Beijing to catch a bus to see the Great Wall. I lost my passport, credit cards, all my cash, my plane ticket out of China, rail ticket to border, travellers cheques etc. A perfect Get-out-of-China package for the lucky person that found it. I never recovered any of the items…

I still use a money belt for phone, wallet etc when out and about…but since the incident, always have cash separately hidden away, in case of total loss again…And I still never got to see the Great Wall…

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Wasn’t a phew or what a relief for me, but my holiday wasn’t spoilt.

It was the last day of a camping/climbing/walking holiday in Crete. I left all my things in my backpack in the tent, with plane tickets, passport & valuables in a campsite locker, except my wallet, which I took with me to explore a tightly packed street market.

I saw something on a stall and put my wallet aside for just a moment so I could reach with two hands. My wallet disappeared in the blink of an eye. I looked round immediately and saw a man walking away quickly and I recognised instinctively, from his body language, that he was a thief. Followed him and watched him peering into women’s handbags as he passed them by, walking in a straight line towards a pharmacy.

I followed him into the pharmacy where he passed something quickly across the counter. I stood behind him, waiting, but he refused to acknowledge my presence, wouldn’t look me in the eye, didn’t buy anything and he eventually left. It was him, but I had no proof and I spoke no Greek.

But I enjoyed the holiday. The experience hadn’t spoiled it thankfully.

There’s always the chain in the pocket option if you don’t mind that ‘look’

Dont put anything on the roof of your car except a roof rack

Bit old for that and I’m not sure about the signals it transmits…!

Does it transmit any? Is it a variation of the bandana in back pocket and big moustache look? I thought that had gone the way of the SF bathhouses.

Lol…I know what you mean!

Brokeback Mountain much

Happy for your good news and great to read there is an honest person around. I have a possible easy solution for you. There are many brands of shorts & trousers with front “cargo” pockets in addition to the usual ones. Closi


I found the lightweight nylon bag around my waist is a decent soloution. Its discreet and even holds passports etc. Bought cheaplythrough Amazon

And don’t forget that piece of chord that attaches your gloves in your coat :joy:

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It’s no laughing matter… quite the reverse… darn nuisance in really cold weather, if (for example) I need to get my keys out of my pocket, I have to take a thick glove off … and I’m faffing around trying not to drop said glove… I keep meaning to attach a length of cord to my sheepkin gloves … aaaargh :rofl: :rofl:


‘There are many brands of shorts & trousers with front “cargo” pockets in addition to the usual ones.’

Thanks for the suggestion, but I think cargo shorts of any sort are incredibly ugly garments compared to a well cut pair of elegant chino shorts.

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Thanks for the suggestion, but I think shorts of any sort are incredibly ugly garments

Corrected it for you :sweat_smile::wink:

I’m afraid I adhere to the Tom Ford school of thought on shorts, and then maybe take it a few steps further :joy:



Think it depends how far south you live. I wear shorts from April to October - I’ve a couple of pairs of linen trousers, but they look out of place in rural France,

I can’t imagine the sort of people you might attract in cammo cargo shorts, a chain on you wallet and heavens above a dodgy 70’s moustache :joy:


Can’t decide if peoples’ suggestions are genuinely well-intentioned, or is there a secret SF conspiracy to sartorially set me up for unwanted encounters

As it is, I once got propositioned by the man in front of me at the Decazeville Casino check-out !


Why? And who is Tom Ford? And what makes you so afraid? Surely not of your irresistable urge at the sight of a beautiful pair of manly legs? :thinking:

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Brilliant! A woven elastic attached to woollen mitten threaded through the sleeves of our coats kept our mittens ever ready all through primary school winters.

Such a simply perfect idea may do well to return. Instead, I have found short mitten clips to attach to sleeves for twice the price


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I do like wearing my shorts in the late Spring to early Autumn months, but remember when I was travelling to work in some, sometimes rather suspect locations, I always wore long trousers despite the the climate, as I had always stored anything of value in a security pouch which was specifically designed to be fixed to the ankle. Very effective, but might not have worked so well in shorts :grinning: