Which Best Buy SFN digital French dictionary?

I'm looking for a digital dictionary, with English-French only.

I haven't got a smart phone so would settle for just using it only on a laptop, (windows 7) but would ideally like something that works also on my mobile (just a nokia C3 with a qwerty keyboard)

I'd love something that has plenty of slang involved, as am about to go back to university and will be working in alcohol and drug addiction services.

Has anyone bought any software like this?

how much should I expect to pay?

If you wish to dig through their site, Larousse offers one: http://www.larousse.fr/dictionnaires

and then there is Comment ça marche: http://www.commentcamarche.net/download/telecharger-34078629-online-dictionary-french

The others given on this thread are all good too.

Thanks Andrew - added that to the cache!

top of the page!

no idea for phone applications - my use was for translation work only at the computer :-(

I can't see where the mobile app is - but I suppose it's online only anyway

if I buy an android phone, there is a mind-boggling choice of free offline stuff here


perhaps I should be asking if anyone has a cheap android phone instead?

Here's another free one that's supported by translators (and ex-translators although I no longer use it!) - great as you can chat to other translators and both ask questions and give advice.

my wife just uses the dictionary bit for the odd word or phrase when she's writing a letter. I didn't know about the translation option before so thanks for pointing us to that!

It seems to have a mobile app but not tried it.

Thanks David, I already use reverso for larger chunks of text (letter, reports etc) I find it great generally, and will continue to use it

but I'm after something a bit quicker to use and on the mobile too, so something I don't need to be online fo or can I buy reverso for my phone? I will looksy :)

We use http://dictionary.reverso.net/french-english/il%20faut%20bien%20le%20faire which is free. Not brilliant on slang but you'd probably need a separate argot dictionary for the real "low down" up to date stuff. V good for everything else tho'!