I'm once again looking to replace our day-to-day non-stick frying pan. They just don't seem to last, the last two have been Tefal 28cm that you can find for about 25 euros. I want one that is more durable this time. Is the Le Creuset non-stick one worth the price tag (€135!) or is it better to buy cheap and replace more frequently?
Hi James, I find the Lakeland range really good and not expensive, Circulon is what we have used for a long time now:
http://www.lakeland.co.uk/p16596/Circulon-Frying-Pans. Lakeland have some great stuff and are very professional and user friendly. They deliver to France for £7.50 per order, regardless of size of the order so it can be very good value.
I bought a Circulon pan in a sale from Debenhams for what I thought was going to be £20.00. When I got to the checkout it rang up as £10.00 - Brilliant! It is chunky and is of a reassuringly heavy gauge. Will stand metal as well as wooden/ thermoplastic utensils - although you don't feel you should 'push' it. I'm sure I have seen these being used on Masterchef.
The best frying pan I ever bought was about 20 years ago. I paid 50 pence for it at Rochester flea market and it's still as good as new. Heavy bottomed stainless steel - it's really easily cleaned and if you cook correctly with it, it doesn't stick. I do use another non stick one though. Would not buy a Le Creuset because a) I am a skinflint ( see 50p frying pan ) and b) my wrists would give out
I used to have Le Creuset, excellent but way too heavy. Now I buy cheap and replace. A 10-euro one from IKEA lasts about a year. But I agree, professional kitchen equipment shops have the best you can get for the price
I had the le Creuset frying pan for a number of years until earlier this year when the cat knocked it off the cooker and the handle smashed off at the metal join. The floor tiles miraculously survived.
We had a colourcast frying pan ( the equivalent to Le Creuset ) as a wedding present . We have just celebrated 44 years of marriage.....and it still going strong .
I think the secret to any pans longevity is to warm it on a low heat to start with .
The often multiple layers,ie cast iron +coating expand at different rates.
Regarding the Stellar life time guarantee .I used to deal professionally with that company .... believe me they have been in business ( a family business ) since the early 1900's and they will continue for many years to come
As it is dangerous to use a non stick pan that is wearing out, I go for cheap and change often. Around February, March they usually have offers on frying pans in the super markets and I take advantage of this every 2 or 3 years. I certainly wouldn't be spending 135€ on one and if you go back to the UK they are quite reasonably priced there too.
Pricey but who knows, I am considering the JML version for guests next season, by the look of ours they don't just use metal utensils but actually cut food in them instantly destroying the teflon coating. We have a large stainless one (not non stick) which is just as it was apart from the aging from heat use but it's not great for omlettes etc and if too hot it will stick food double quick which seems to be the issue with some auminium based pans that heat too quickly.