Who's watching?

All stuck at home with covid so watching the funeral. Wonderful pomp and ceremony, the choreography is amazing! Long day for the family, she doesn’t actually get buried until a ceremony at 7.30 tonight UK time.


Got BFM on in the back of the shop and watch it from time to time between customers (good live coverage on French TV, TF1, France2 etc.)

Edit : it’s now gone 13h00, lunchtime, and I want to see the infos but everything’s been replaced by the Queen’s funeral, c’est sur toutes les chaînes, ça c’est un peu trop !

Forgot! Just turned in and they are processing very grandly up the Mall.

We’ll never see the like of it again Andy so might as well appreciate it. (I’m certainly not watching Putin or Trump’s funerals which might be grandiose)

Have been watching it on Sky News all day.

My son came forhis lunch and horror of horrors…we sat on the sofa with our plates on trays and watched whilst eating. Normally the table is the place to eat at especially when you have gravy on the plate! I have now turned it off, it has become a bit too much to bear and will tune in again this evening for the Windsor service if they show it. Off for a siesta now, its pretty hot again so no digging today.

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Just LOVE a man in uniform!

Really, after months of all-nighter rehearsals the Forces quite literally do not put a foot wrong and are picture perfect. Really, I think no one can do it so well because at the centre is heart and soul. Her heart.

Thought the horses of the Mounties performed beautifully too, considering their new mounts. I assume they didn’t fly their own from Canada along with PM Trudeau?

Loved watching the invited entering the cathedral. Dress sense really is subjective. A black dress suitable for Come Dancing and a black & white summer wedding hat are NOT suitable. I know the Queen was famously frugal and constantly recycled her wardrobe but she took pride in presentation for events.

Then again, did I actually see the unfortunate Rees-Mogg is a top hat or just imagine that?

Thoroughly agree - they’ve done her (and us) proud. And …

You are so right Jane. The end of an era.

I think it’s supposed to be at 4pm / 5pm our time. I’m leaving the TV on and just popping in occasionally to keep an eye on things.

No, not watching, nothing against the queen, but it just does not interest me.

Watched bits of it.

Impressive pomp and pagentry.

I am just old enough to remember Churchill’s funeral. I will never forget when the cranes in docklands lowered in salute.

I am a bit of a republican, but may she rest in peace.


It doesn’t interest me as such, but it is a remarkable spectacle and piece of social history as well as “History”

Edit…just tried to walk down to postbox at a funeral march. Very difficult and tiring! And that was only a few hundred metres not a couple of kilometre’s! They did well to keep impeccable timing - especially the 73 year old following the gun carriage.


Oh my God! Emma :black_heart::black_heart::black_heart::white_heart:

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I know that started me tearing up then the dear little corgi’s face set me off :cry:

Madame is watching. Think my mum was watching - in scotland.

I’ve gone to the pub to celebrate an extra bank hol. I won’t rain on anyone’s parade though - perhaps just a “bye bye queenie you were an institution…” - or maybe not. Difficult to judge moods on Internet?

Looking forward to arriving back in the republic tomorrow.

I’ve been watching since about 9.30am while trying to work at home. It’s been incredible. No other country could have produced such an extraordinary spectacle. Surprisingly moving.
Izzy x


The funeral, nah, I’ve been at work anyway.

But I did come across this - I’m not big on royals, or the need for a monarch but this is a simply beautiful, personal, tribute to Elizabeth by Obama.

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I think from the warmth of all the tributes it is becoming apparent she really was a remarkable woman.

And those walking either side of the hearse with both their arms folded carrying their guns -one arm across their backs.
And the superb control of the coffin bearers as they moved the coffin (so slowly) from in front of them to their shoulders.
And the way the naval cadets managed to squeeze themselves through the arches.
They made so much of this look graceful and easy.

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You can’t beat the UK for a smooth ceremony! Bet many of the World leaders present were rethinking their plans…


Feels like we have lost our Pole Star

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Trump wasn’t present, but I think it’s probably given him a few ideas - perhaps a parade of golf carts and hotel bell boys, obviously a gold coffin - can’t wait!