Although every cat is an individual there are occasionally times when cats behave in similar ways for a particular reason. There are also behaviours exhibited by cats that are hard to interpret and often confuse.
Why do cats purr?
Purring is an extraordinary sound and it isn’t exactly clear how cats do it. Not only domestic cats purr – many of the larger members of the cat family can also generate this vibration.
The behaviour stems from kittenhood, as the mother returns to the den and quietly signals (to avoid attracting attention from predators) that all is OK by purring to her kittens, they in turn suckle and purr at the same time.
Cats will also purr when they are sick or injured; there are various theories for this – the frequency of the purr in sick animals differs from the healthy purr and it may have healing properties or it may be self-soothing when the cat feels at its most vulnerable.
With two of mine I think it's pure laziness - they simply give a low level version to make me feel better, lol. Or mabe if they're half asleep while getting tummy rubs they're not putting energy into it. Felix on the other hand, when he's licking any available hand, is wide awake and totally going for it.
I'm completely with you on that, having had to go through it. I had to convince myself that somehow they understood I was trying to help and they were loved but it doesn't leave you. Can't think about that - let's stick to happy, burbly purrs and rubbing scent all over your hands. Oh and flipping bed baths from Felix. Much better.
Our Indi does squeaky purrs when he is really happy!
One of the saddest part of our 'job' in the cat charity is having a very sick cat or one that is dying and hearing those last purrs can be very haunting.
That's interesting Lynn. I've known several people who hadn't realised that cats purr when they are hurt or unwell - they had assumed the cat was now fine and simply enjoying cuddles. The level of purr is so different as well. Two of mine are quite low key and you feel the vibration more than hearing the purr itself whereas Felix, bless him, sounds like a car engine. I'm surprised he doesn't choke himself when he gets so excited and "burbly".
Having nine cats is a really interesting experience, you notice patterns with them all the time, who is affectionate all the time and who only wants petting when they feel like it, who are the lazy tikes and who are hyper all the time (I’m looking at you Betsy), their eating and sleeping habits and they react / live/ tolerate each other.
The way they change their reactions to suit myself and my wife and how they either look on our dog as part of the cat family of hate her and just about tolerate her.
At times it’s difficult not to have favourites though I have always tried not to and how some have an ability to know how to get on your nerves when they want to ( I’m looking at you Ernie), life is never dull with them, some times frustrating/ expensive, but you do get cheered up and get a laugh from them, but at times it can be trying being the bad dad because it can be like having spoiled brats in a crèche at times which isn’t so good, overall though I wouldn’t be without them all
I liked the article about cats and boxes! For years I tried a variety of cat beds but rarely were they used. When Amazon came on the scene, and I started ordering, whenever an Amazon box arrived of a suitable size, in they went! No coaxing.
I have a worn-out old Amazon box on a chest of drawers in my bedroom, regularly slept in. I think the manufacturers of cat beds should take note.
I found the article on Purina’s new kibble to control an issue with human allergy to cats very interesting. May not work for all because different things may trigger a person’s allergy but at least someone is trying to find a solution.