Why we should all boycott Israel

There have been debates on BDS here before, but if what’s happened in Gaza isn’t enough to garner widespread support now, what is?

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How does someone living in rural SW France Boycott Israel?


Certainly if I ever see anything originating from Israel I will not be buying it.
Buy from Palestine.


I already do, if I know, but there are lots of brands with hidden Israeli origin, collaboration or ownership I believe.


I always boycott Israel where possible and if Israeli produce is only option I simply go without.


AXA is one to boycott as they support Israeli banking.

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Oh dear, 2 of my 3 assurances are with AXA. :slightly_frowning_face:

Israel manufactures and provides services more than one might think - I bet that even here in rural SW, you and I have purchased something in the last week that has an Israeli link.

An obvious one to many here will be the Dolphin pool robot. Best in the world. Totally Israeli. Diamonds another. Israel has the largest diamond polishing sector in the world. So ask closely where the diamond in your next present to wife/girlfriend has been! Banking and Insurance services are huge as well, not to mention electronic components and of course, fruit (Germany is obliged to take any excess oranges that Israel has) It really does go on and on. Ask Mr G!

But you are right - very difficult to know.

This of course is another area where boycott damage might be inflicted - on the large organisations that have financial links to Israel. Axa yes, but look further. Pretty well all the high end fashion outlets have Israeli associations as does, I believe, large consumer products such as CocaCola…

Israel, to the frustrations of their neighbours, are hard working and without the bolster of oil (although they have large oil refineries) they have built a huge economy sucking in many commercial allies along the way.

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I must remember to bear that in mind :rofl:

Here’s a few suggestions :slightly_smiling_face:

The upside to that is that boycotts will have an effect. Hopefully.

Not hopefully, but definitely, IF everyone takes the plight on board, AND we know what to boycott.


90% by volume of the world’s diamonds are polished in India. Tel Aviv is an important centre, but not as much as say Antwerp or Mumbai.


mmm. At the start of these troubles, I read up on Israel, admittedly on the web, just to see what hold the country had on the world, and there was a lot that surprised me about the diamond industry. I remember seeing somewhere it was the largest.

A quick read tonight, it is one of the largest after India and China…It is also said that one third of raw diamonds go through the Israel diamond exchange…there is no wonder the country is sticking two fingers up to public opinion.

My mistake, but surprising all the same,


They didn’t think that through, did they?

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Detailed list here:

Every little counts…

The Government is seeking to stop public bodies, such as Lancaster City Council, from imposing trade bans on other countries which are not subject to bans imposed by the national government.
This is totally anti democratic, as the councillors at Lancaster were voted in by their local electors.


Oh dear, although there are only 2 on that list with which I have any connection, sadly they are Amazon and Google, 2 brands I find it almost impossible to ban.

Of the rest there is only one that I have already banned and that is Nestle. I have told the pharmacy that we will not accept any of their special energy foods. Easy to do as they are no better than the others and, from my point of view, a bloody nightmare to open with aged fingers. They must stick the lids down with Loctite and frequently I had to resort to scissors or knives, once stabbing myself in the process. Some health foods. :roll_eyes: