Wild Critters Around Your Place,?

Any interesting Wild Creatures frequent Your ‘Space’ regularly?
We have a hoopoe most years, buzzards, kestrels, little owls, hen harrier, weazles, deer, Usual small birds, and the neighbours kids :laughing:

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Great pic Chris, used to get them around in Portugal, along with the 'uge! spiders, 'uge centipedes, scorpions, mongoose and Horned Vipers :thinking:

A nice close up of a Horned Vipers head would be great…I’ve got a pretty good viper pic somewhere​:snake::snake:

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I did my Very Best, to not get close up! Chris :slightly_smiling_face:

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They don’t come much wilder than this I think :smiley:

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Loads of birds, including egrets, owls, goshawks and a beautiful woodpecker who can destroy a fat ball in seconds. Big mammals are red deer, roe deer, chevreau, wild boar, badgers and foxes. Small mammals aplenty like stoats and red squirrel and including far too many of the pesky campagnol. We have some lovely insects. And in the amphibian /reptile category we have salamanders and a viper that swims across our pond, and slow worms, and lots of lovely red frogs.

And a couloevre…

Forgot the salamanders Jane, beautiful and even the humble vole, entertains us often :slightly_smiling_face: