Wild tomatoes

This is a (very bad!) photo of my jasmine wall complete with a very large crop of wild tomatoes, all of which grew from seed in our compost bin. They’ve proved to be the healthiest and most productive of all this years tomato plants. A clear case of nature knows best!


Love the idea of a jasmine wall! What a great idea!

The tomatoes I’ve planted are doing well and giving a good crop. The ones growing in the cracks of the paving stones - obviously ‘planted’ wherever my chickens decide to poo after having a mammoth tomato-scoff-fest - are doing spectacularly!

Aha! Chicken poo - wonderful stuff!

I’ve had some amazing wild tomatoes grow this year and now I have wild squash growing too, I blame it on my neighbour who told me to put all the waste scraps directly into the soil (not to bother composting) and then just turn over the soil so it decomposes into the earth naturally. Well I’m now a convert as we’ve had such a fantastic crop of big wild tomatoes whereas all the big tomatoes I planted got some awful rotten bottom disease and were rubbish. We’ve had millions of cherry tomatoes and these are doing wonderfully and keeping my youngest happy in healthy snacks.


Going to try that next year! Thanks for the tip @suz

please make sure you wash them! I know it sounds a bit mumsy but a friend became desperately ill with weil’s disease after eating a tomato that had, had a rat on it.